9- Let Me Know

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[Authors pov]

When Namjoon woke up, he sighed. That was almost habit at this point though. He sighed and groaned, as he got up and stretched, his joints clicking and clacking as if he was in his 70s, not 20s.

He stumbled to the mirror where he looked at himself in the mirror and sighed once again.

Namjoon loved quotes and cute little poems and words. One of his favorite was actually about a mirror, so his mind traveled there as he stood in front of the gold and white, full length mirror.

"What we think we see in the mirror is not so much a reflection of what we look like, but rather a reflection on how we view ourselves"

In this case, Namjoon couldn't help but to view himself in the most terrible way possible.

It was still quiet, around 8am or so, and Namjoon hadn't yet woken up fully so his mind was everywhere as he stumbled into the bathroom, brushing his teeth as he leaned against the bathroom sink, playing with his hair.

He had just splashed some cold water on his face when he heard a knock on the door, and the memories of last night came flooding in.

He smiled at how Jin had spent the entire night with him, not wanting to let go even when Namjoon had to use the bathroom. The others had all apologized too, apart from Yoongi who muttered out a "so you like being tied up huh?"

Shaking himself slightly, he walked to the door and slowly opened it, revealing a smiling Jungkook.

"Em hello" Namjoon muttered quietly, as he stared at the handsome man who was dressed in all black as usual, his boots being the main point of his outfit.

"Good morning Namjoon, did you sleep well?" Jungkook asked, almost beaming and Namjoon couldn't help but wonder how he was so vibrant so early in the morning.

"I.. Okay" Namjoon mumbled out, still rubbing his fist against his eyes to try wake up.

"Breakfast is almost ready, you can get dressed and come down" Jungkook said as he looked down at Namjoons outfit, a small smirk on his lips.

"Breakfast? Huh? Change?" Namjoon mumbled to himself as Jungkook smiled and left.
Namjoon stood there confused for a second before going to look in the mirror again.

It was only then he realised what he wore to bed. He had his boxers on and an oversized shirt that fell of his shoulders because it was so big.

Namjoon gasped and slapped his forehead, telling himself to get his memory checked because he forgot everything.

He quickly slapped his cheeks lightly before running to his wardrobe and looking for an outfit, as he didn't want to take too long to go downstairs.

He decided to go basic and pulled on a pair of jeans, and surprisingly they fit perfectly so he didn't have to root through for more. He took of the shirt he was currently wearing and threw it across the room, landing on top of another item of clothing.

Namjoon was organized... He was just a bit messy. He knew where everything was though, so therefore he was organized.

He grabbed a random white tshirt and put it on, as he grabbed a can of deodorant and sprayed it.

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