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[Authors pov]

"What the hell do you mean saved him from his father?" Jin asked, staring at Hoseok as he explained he knew Namjoon.

Hoseok looked over , and let out a little laugh, one that was full of sorrow and humiliation instead of joy.

"You really don't know Joon at all hyung" he spoke, and Jin was getting annoyed, as of course he knew Namjoon.

"I know Namjoon very well" Jin said, almost snarling at him.

"What's his favorite colour Hoseok" Jin asked, a smug smirk on my face.

"Pastel colours" he simply said, and Jin chewed the inside of my cheek.

"His birthday" Hoseok asked.
Jin scoffed, thinking that Hobi really thought he didn't know Joons birthday.

"September 12th 2000" Jin simply said, and from the corner of my eye, and he could see Taehyung checking all the facts.

"Family?" Hoseok asked.

Jin paused, biting so hard on his cheek, he could even taste the metallic flavor of blood.

"He hates his family" Jin simply spoke and Hoseok nodded, agreeing.

"His father.." Hoseok spoke up and even Taehyung could see everyone was listening carefully.

"His father abused him, I can't say much, I would like Namjoon to personally tell you all, but the last time I met him, he didn't know me." Hoseok said, his voice shaky and I could tell he was upset.

"He didn't know you?" Jimin asked, confusion clearly on his face.

Jin could see Hoseok biting his lip, and the trickle of blood that fell down, and the tears that threatened to fall.

Everybody had seen Hoseok cry before, they had all seen each other cry, however, it was normally over a death of someone we loved, or a cry from the pain of being shot or something.
Nobody had never seen him cry over anything else.

Jin quickly stepped forward, wrapping his arms around him, pulling him in for a hug.

"Hobi" Jin spoke up and he let out a sob, which shocked the other members.

"Baby it's okay" Jin said, rubbing my hand along his back.

"I'm not a damn baby" Hoseok said, a little laugh coming through the tears.

Jimin came over and grabbed Hobis arm, kissing his cheek. "Hey Hyung, it's okay" He whispered and brought him to the sofa to sit down.

Everyone was now staring at Hoseok, worrying about their hyung or dongsaeng (younger person).

"I.." Hoseok spoke up, taking a deep breath and wiping the tears out of his eyes.

"I saw him, 2 years ago, in the supermarket, so of course I was so happy, so.. I, I went and stood by him, pretending to look for something. He smiled at me, and I thought he remembered me so I was happy. Then he spoke.
" Hot chocolate really is the best, isn't it sir"
"I was so shocked, and I blurted out his name, but he was so surprised and kinda scared that I knew his name, and he backed away from me, asking who I was. He had a name tag on him though that read" Namjoon" so I simply said it was because of that and he laughed, apologizing, before telling me it was nice to meet me and leaving" Hoseok explained and sighed, placing his head down on his hands.

"He most likely has dissociative amnesia hyung" Taehyung murmured, and all eyes snapped to him as he searched deeper on his computer.

"He has disso what?" Jungkook asked, his eyebrows furrowing together at the name of the condition Taehyung spoke of.

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