Man: <Ah! You came back just in time. We filled her up and load it with all the supplies you asked for.>

You smiled.

Y/N: <Great. This will get us to that place we talked about?>

Man: <Of course!>

You smiled and handed him the bag. He looked at it and his smiled dropped.

Man: <It was only 250. This is almost 500!>

You shrugged.

Y/N: <I don't need it. Probably never coming back here again. If I do I can just take a job again.>

Man: <Alright then. Pleasure doing business with you.>

Y/N: <Likewise.>

You both gave a quick bow and you entered the ship. Now that it was stocked with food, water, fuel, and other things (blankets, spices, that kind of thing) you could now travel to your next destination. You still had to wait for Nadia to come back so you decided to hop in the shower to wash off all the dirt and blood you had on you.

You let the water run down your body and sighed happily. Your hair was longer, mostly back to white, and your beard was big enough to run your fingers through it. You turned off the water and stepped out before grabbing a towel. You dryed off and wrapped it around your waist. You exited the bathroom and walked over to the star map.

Y/N: Still no clue where Asgard is. Hopefully that'll change soon.

Nadia: Maybe it will.

You turned around and smiled at the sight of your girlfriend. She set her bag down and kissed your cheek.

Nadia: I see you took a shower.

Y/N: I was dirty. I can take another one though.

Nadia smiled before looking at your bare chest.

Nadia: You know, you kinda look like that guy who played Thor in that movie they made about him.

Y/N: Chris Hemsworth? Thanks, I guess.

Nadia smacked your chest.

Nadia: It was a compliment. I'm going to wash this stuff off of me.

Y/N: You need someone to wash your back?

Nadia threw you a look before dissappearing.

Nadia: You need to shave!

Y/N: You know you love the beard!

You heard her laugh before you activated the ship. It hovered off the ground before you got the OK message from the command center. You hit a few buttons and the ship blasted off. Once you had left the atmosphere, you set it to auto drive and walked back to your personal belongings. You got dressed in a pair of sweets and a F/C shirt. You sat down on the bed and sighed.

Y/N: How much longer?

Nadia: You ok?

You looked over and saw that she was wearing a towel. She got dressed as tou watched.

Y/N: I never get tired of seeing you like that.

Nadia: Even though it's been this long.

You smiled.

Y/N: Yeah. Even now I fall in love with you again and again.

Nadia sat on the bed next to you and smiled. She leaned in for a kiss and you enjoyed it before she pulled away suddenly. You were confused until you realized she was holding something.

Y/N: What's this?

Nadia: A book that I found on magic. I figured you could read it and learn some new spells.

You smiled.

Y/N: I love gifts but I didn't get you anything.

Nadia: You don't know what day it is, do you?

You looked over at the holocomputer where a date was displayed.

Y/N: December 21st.

Nadia: Happy 20th Birthday.

You finched at her words.

Y/N: It's really been 2 years. Crazy.

Nadia: And by this time...

She looked at the date.

Nadia: In a three days we will know the exact location of Asgard and you can received the second blessing.

You smiled before kissing her head.

Y/N: We're that much closer. Once we find Odin we'll also know where the other two are. From there, it's smooth sailing.

Nadia: Exactly.

You suddenly realized something.

Y/N: I have no idea what I'm going to do for Christmas.

Nadia: We didn't celebrate it last year. It's fine.

You shook your head.

Y/N: It shouldn't be. It's Christmas. You love Christmas.

Nadia: But I love you more. As long as we're together I'm ok with whatever.

You raised a brow.

Y/N: Whatever?

Nadia rolled her eyes.

Nadia: Shave that beard then we'll talk.

Y/N: On it!

You hopped off the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

It has been 2 years since you left earth with Nadia. There wasn't a star map to Asgard so you had been drifting from planet to planet trying to find someone who could help. Finally, after all this time searching, you learned about an exiled Asgardian who would be willing to help. From there you can find Odin and get the lighting blessing.

You returned to your shared space without a beard and already found Nadia laying on the bed. She looked comfortable. She looked at you and smiled.

Nadia: That's better. I can see your handsome face now.

You grinned.

Y/N: Now, about that "whatever" comment...

Nadia held herself up by her elbows and sigmaled for you to join her. You smiled before climbing on the bed with her. You kissed her before looking out at the stars around you.

Y/N: I like space. I like it a lot.

You turned back to Nadia who also smiled.

Nadia: I do to. Happy birthday.

Y/N: Happy indeed.

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