Chapter 14: Head Or Heart

Start from the beginning

I sighed. "How can I choose one when I like both?"

"Because," she answered. "And this is only my opinion by the way. Usually these mixed feelings are a matter of the head and the heart. You feel something for one of them, but your logic tells you it's more rational to go for the other. You've just got to figure out which one appeals to your heart and the other to your brain. And I'm not going to vouch for either, because they can both be right in certain situations, but you'll just have to realize that even though you like both of them, you like one more."

I nodded, absorbing all what she said. "So it's either head or heart, just great. How do I even know which one I like more?"

"You'll know," she chuckled. "So, is that good enough advice for you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, actually. Thanks."

"Whatever," she said and lay back down, facing the other way. "And turn off the fucking lights goddamn it."

I chuckled and shook my head, but killed the lights like she asked. I got changed into something more comfortable, and then lay down to sleep.

Well, try to sleep that is.

I thought about what Renée said. If that was true, then I needed to figure out my feelings fast. The last thing I wanted to do was lead them on.


"How are you so good at this?" I asked Tess, after she won the last round of cards.

"She's cheating," Renée said. "She's definitely cheating."

Tess just laughed. "Hey, don't hate, play."

I gathered the cards off the floor and began to reshuffle them.

Then Jess came in, dragging Khalan with her.

"Jessica, stop," Khalan struggled. "She doesn't want to talk to us!"

"Oh well you're right with that one," I remarked, still shuffling the cards.

"Shayley," Jessica sighed. "This is getting old. You're going to have to talk to us sooner or later. And Austin and Shawn too."

I looked up and gave her a sarcastic smile. "I pick later."

Khalan just shook her head and left, and when Jess saw that I was going to keep ignoring her she left too.

Renée nudged me. "Hey, take it easy on them."

"Yeah, they're probably just worried," Tess added.

"That seems to be the agenda these days doesn't it?" I said bitterly.


Oh crap.

"Jacob, hi," I said, looking behind me and smiling nervously.

He nodded his head in the direction of the empty kitchen. "Can we talk?"

I was unsure, so I contemplated my answer until Renée nudged me again, whispering that I better say yes.

"Sure," I said and got up, following him into the kitchen."

"So..." he began.

"So..." I trailed off.

"Missed you last night," he chuckled.

"Yeah I felt a good sleep coming on and didn't want to waste it," I lied, before rethinking my statement. "Not that talking to you is a waste of my time."

He laughed softly. "Hey, I get it, good sleep is hard to come by."

I smiled. "Yeah."

He sighed and leaned against the counter, folding his arms. I had to stop myself from staring at his toned arms which were well flexed in the fitting t-shirt he was wearing.

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