Chapter 39: Fuck My Life

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You get a different POV in this chapter and I think you'll like it!


"Oh, it hurts to be here
I only wanted love from you
Yeah, it hurts to be here
What am I gonna do?"

Song: Breathe Again ~ Sleeping At Last


39. Fuck My Life

Jacob's POV

It had been almost two weeks since I'd found Shayley unconscious after her overdose. I'd been in and out of the hospital every single day since then, and every single day they told me her condition was the same. I guess that was better than her condition worsening, but it still didn't relieve me of any stress I felt.

Khalan was able to contact Shayley's mother who flew out immediately she could and was staying in a hotel five minutes away from the hospital. She'd been here for a week, and I'd gotten to know her. I thought she'd be completely broken by her daughter's condition, but instead she was the one who kept telling me and the others to not lose hope. She was a strong woman for that I'll say.

"Hey," Shawn said, as he walked beside me into the building. "Today might be different okay? Head up mate."

I shook my head wearily. "It's hard."

I had been a complete mess. I couldn't sleep, I barely ate, and my appearance wasn't exactly the best because my exhaustion showed and I didn't even have the willpower to pick up a razor and shave the growing facial hair on my face.

"I know," he said. "But you've got to give her something to come back to. You can't do that if you wear yourself out."

"I try Shawn," I said. "I try everyday to be optimistic but every passing day that she doesn't get better feels like a slap in the face from the world. It's almost as if-"

"You're being taunted?" he suggested as we stepped into the elevator.

I sent a brief look his way. "Yeah."

He nodded. "I understand. When Khalan got into that accident last year all I could think of was my mother. It wasn't fair, and I don't know why it had to happen, but it did. The best thing I did for myself and her was to remain grounded like you guys reminded me you reminded me to mate."

I shook my head. "Clearly I'm now seeing what it must have felt like."

"You helped me then, and you bet I'll help you now," Shawn said. "We'll get through this, I promise."

He patted my shoulder and squeezed it for support. And all I could do was nod, hoping that it was true.

The elevator took us to the usual floor, and when I walked towards the visitors' area, my heart dropped in my chest. Shayley's doctor was talking to the rest of the group, and I could already tell it wasn't good. My blood ran cold, and my heart began to thump aggressively in fear.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked, immediately going to console his crying girlfriend.

"What happened with Shayley?" I added. "Did anything change?"

Austin placed a hand on my shoulder like he knew that whatever the doctor was about to tell me would shatter me. "Jacob..."

"Shayley went into cardiac arrest early this morning," Dr. Shelby said solemnly.

I felt my heart drop down to the pit of my stomach. I began to tremble slightly. "Were she...?"

"We were able to stabilize her," she continued, much to my relief. "However the next couple of hours remain crucial. We're doing everything we can to make sure that she lives through the night."

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