Chapter 37: I Just Wanted The High

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Heavy trigger warning. I repeat, heavy trigger warning.


"When you're thunder, lightning, screaming, fighting, drowning in despair
When you're howling, hurting, lightning surging, know that I'll be there
I'll stay up with you, by your side
'Til you repair."

Song: Repair ~ Westlife


37. I Just Wanted The High

I stood there, frozen in place.


Him calling me that just made me sick to my stomach. "Don't call me that."

Jacob squeezed my hand. "Shay, what's going on?"

Hunter looked at him and smirked. His dirty blonde hair, which was pulled back into a low ponytail, had grown longer, and a stubble covered his chin.

"How rude of me," he said, extending his arm. "I skipped the introduction. I bet we have a lot in common."

"Hunter, shut up," I ordered.

"Oh come on babe-"

"She said don't call her that," Jacob snapped.

Hunter chuckled sourly. "You defend her now, but I suggest you run as far as you can away from her. All she's going to do is use you like she uses everybody. Like she used me."

My stomach knotted up. "I said shut up."

"Why?" he taunted. "Does your new boy toy not know Shayley Folton? The real Shayley Folton?"

My tongue was tied. Every idea Jacob had of me was going to come crashing down, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Hunter stepped closer to me, and my nerves went haywire at his proximity, and not in a good way.

"What's the matter Shayley? Does he not know about us?"

"What's he talking about?" Jacob asked, while I just stared Hunter down with disscontempt.

Hunter shook his head. "Still the same I see, all mistakes with no accountability. But it's okay Shayley, every time I said I got you, I meant it, and I still do."

He pulled out something from his pocket and slipped it into the back pocket of my shorts.

Jacob stepped in between us. "Leave her alone. Now."

Hunter backed up a bit, an aggravating smirk still plastered on his face. "That's not what she used to tell me. And don't worry Shayley, you don't owe anything for this one."

Fuck. Fuck this was bad.

Jacob shoved him this time. "Leave her alone. I mean it."

"Look man, I'm doing you a favor," Hunter told him. "Get away from her, she'll drain you. After all, she's nothing but a whore with a drug problem."

This time around, Jacob punched him in one swift move.

I finally found my voice and held Jacob back from doing any more damage. "Jacob, don't."

"Stay the fuck away from her!" he screamed at Hunter while I pulled him away.

"Jacob, let's go!" I yelled.

Reluctantly, he backed away and followed me. I let go of his hand and walked alone.


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