Chapter 9: It's A Date

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"Just be careful
Love ain't simple
Promise me no promises."

Song: No Promises ~ Cheat Codes ft. Demi Lovato


9. It's A Date

The rest of the day consisted of the girls grilling me to the bone about Cameron and me getting away from them to play a round of cards with Austin. And soon we were all just sitting in a giant circle playing board games.

I had gotten up to go and get a glass of water from the kitchen. When I turned, Jacob's presence startled me.

"You have a habit of scaring people don't you?" I joked.

"I move very discreetly," he said.

I chuckled. "Hey, I thought I was the ninja here."

He laughed softly, leaning on the counter. "So...Cameron."

"Oh God no," I groaned. "I am not discussing him with you. I mean look what happened the last time I talked to you both at once."

"Wait...what?" he asked.

Oh shit.

"Uh...I just meant-"

"Wait, you're saying that's why it happened?" he asked. "The anxiety attack?"

"Not exactly," I half lied.

"So...if I had never walked in on your conversation you would have been fine?"


"Shayley," he said with a half smile. "You can tell me."

I sighed. "It wasn't you. I promise."

Well it wasn't.

It was both of them.

Oh come on, freaking out when two boys as hot as them cornered you was normal.

Maybe getting a full blown anxiety attack and then self medicating after wasn't so normal, but freaking out at least was.


Anything to make me feel less crazy...please.

"Huh," he teased. "I've had a lot of responses from girls but never a reaction like that."

I rose an eyebrow. "Are you making fun of me?"

His eyes widened. "What? No...I would never I-"

I began to laugh. "Well Jacob, if you ask me I seem to get quite the reaction from you too."

"You're evil," he laughed softly.

"Yeah but you like me that way," I shrugged.

"Yes, yes I do," he said, putting his hands in his pockets.

I was expecting another joke or tease but not that answer. We looked at each other for a couple of seconds before I cleared my throat.

"Meet me out on the patio tomorrow at six a.m.," he told me.

"Um...for what exactly?" I asked.

"Just do," he chuckled. "You'll probably be awake by then."

"True," I said.

"Then tomorrow at six," he said with a small smile. "You, me, and the sunrise."

"It's a date," I said, and my eyes widened at my statement. "Um...not a date date...obviously."

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