Chapter 14: Head Or Heart

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"There's nights we had that just walk away
And there's tears we'll cry, but those tears will fade
It's the price we pay when it comes to love
And we'll take what comes."

Song: Walking The Wire ~ Imagine Dragons


14. Head Or Heart

Everyone seemed to have retired for the night, even though it was barely eleven thirty. Can't say I blame them though. Off late everyone had been walking on eggshells around one another, trying not to bring up the elephant in the room.

It was me, I was the elephant in the room.

Nobody wanted to discuss poor Shayley's mental health because they didn't know how poor Shayley would react.

I wanted to avoid the pity, but looks like I'd done just the opposite.

Right now though, my mind was spinning in a thousand different directions. I raced up the stairs and into my room, immediately turning on the lights.

"Renée? Wake up!" I hissed.

She tossed and turned over to her side, so I went over and shook her instead.

"What the hell," she groaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her blonde hair was sticking out here and there.

"Sorry," I said and then sat down on my bed nervously.

"What do you want from me at this ungodly hour?" she asked me.

"I need to talk," I replied.

"To talk? Talking can wait till morning Shay," she remarked before diving back down.

"No, I need to talk now," I said, before giving her a sweet smile. "Please?"

I heard her sigh, and then she sat up and rolled her eyes. "Okay, first of all, let's get this straight. I'm still a bitch, so that means that this, waking me up to talk about your problems, yeah let's not make that a thing. Secondly, I guess I'm a decent person now, so what the fuck do you want to talk about?"

"Cameron...and Jacob," I answered. "Cameron and Jacob."

"What about them?" she asked.

"Well, Cameron kissed me-"

"Well that's nothing to worry about, you're good," she shrugged.

"-and so did Jacob," I finished.

She shot me a teasing look. " are good."

"I mean, Jacob's was just a kiss on the cheek, but it didn't feel like just that to me you know," I sighed. "And then Cameron comes along and does that."

"Hey," she chuckled. "I've seen both of them and I don't blame you for being confused."

It wasn't even about the looks. Don't get me wrong they were both very handsome guys...very handsome, but it was more than that.

Jacob was kind, and thoughtful, and intellectual, and everything he said made it look like he had taken a class on how to make a girl feel special.

And then there was Cameron. He understood me in a way that nobody else did. He knew just what to say, and when to say it, even if it made me mad sometimes. He didn't look at me with sad eyes, he just...looked at me. He made me feel secure.


I came back to reality. "Huh?"

"I hate to break it to you but you know you're going to have to choose one of them right?" she chuckled.

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