♛ Cafe Days

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It was another bright, sunny day spent in the cafe; the place where Eun and her friends went after school to hang out.

"Seriously, Eun, what are you always doing?" Haneul sighed, placing a yoghurt drink in front of the said girl. "Every time I see you, you are typing on your phone."

"She's writing her diary entry for the day, I'm guessing," Junkyu muttered, looking around at the interior of the place.

"Thanks for the drink, Hani," Eun thanked her best friend, finally keeping her phone away and grabbing the drink. "Also, Kyu, why are you here?" She took a sip of her drink, looking at the older for an answer.

Junkyu tilted his head at her words, feeling offended. "Excuse me?"

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's just I thought you were supposed to complete some projects."

"I am working on it right now," he replied as he continued looking around. "We are supposed to design a room that showcases a favourite place of ours, so I'm trying to take bits and pieces from every favourite place of mine and mesh it into one."

Haneul let out a low whistle, nodding slowly. "Dang, good luck on that one, Kyu. Sounds tough." She wished the older, sending him an encouraging smile before looking at the cafe door.

"Where are the others?" Eun asked the question that was running through the minds of the other two as well. "Hyunsuk said he would come as soon as he could."

As if on cue, the bell rang as the door opened, revealing the missing members of the gang.

Hyunsuk, Mashiho, Yedam and Jaehyuk walked in, smiling brightly as usual. Asahi, Junghwan, Jeongwoo and Doyoung followed behind, chatting away about something. Haruto and Yoshi entered next, playfully shoving each other as they walked towards the congregation.

And just like Haneul, Eun waited to see the last person walk into the cafe. Jihoon closed the door as he came, giving his infamous eye smile as he saw his friends.

Eun observed the boy as he walked, watching the way his blond hair bounced as he excitedly started running towards them.

"You are drooling," Jeongwoo commented, causing Eun to quickly touch her face. When she felt nothing, she glared at the older, who laughed. "Made you look."

Jeongwoo was the only one who knew about her crush on Jihoon. And the only reason he even mildly approved of it was that Eun had liked Jihoon way before Haneul started dating him.

It was almost a year since Eun started to like Jihoon and not even his dating could stop the girl from liking him.

"Woo, I was thinking," Eun paused, waiting for Jeongwoo's attention. "I think I should stop this whole crush thing."

"You have told me this many times, but you still can't bring yourself to do it."

"I know, but still."

"What are you guys chatting about? I want in too!" Jaehyuk whined, not receiving enough attention from his friends.

The group of friends ordered their drinks and chatted away, laughing and teasing as usual. As they continued talking, Doyoung's phone rang and the boy stood up, walking out of the cafe to answer the call. The friends went on with their conversations, only stopping when Doyoung came to the table and tapped on Jeongwoo's shoulder.

"Uh, Jeongwoo-ya, can I get a call? My mum wants to know when I am coming back and the line disconnected," he asked, hopefully looking at the younger.

"Shit, I don't have credit, hyung." Jeongwoo turned over to Haruto, expectantly looking at him. "Ruto, could Doyoung get a call?"

"No credit."

"I have credit, you could use my phone," Eun offered awkwardly as she didn't converse with Doyoung on a personal basis, but knew him enough through their friends.

"Oh, that would be great, Eun." Doyoung took the phone that the younger held out, smiling gratefully before walking out of the cafe.

After that encounter, Eun's attention was once again on her friends. It wasn't soon before she became the topic of conversation, that too, regarding the most common subject; her name.

"Wait, so your full name is Eun?" Asahi asked.

Being the newest member of the university friend group, he didn't know much. He knew most of the friends separately but recently joined the gang after he officially started dating Jaehyuk.

Eun smiled, happy that the usually robotic, broody man was now conversing casually with her. "Yeah, my name is Cha Eun," she answered as she would usually to anyone who asked the question.

"Ah, Chaeun. So, what is your last name?"

"My last name is Cha, and my first name is Eun. It's a one-syllable name. Confusing, I know."

Asahi's mouth hung open, slightly shocked as he hadn't come across anyone with a one-syllable name before. "Not much nicknames, then, huh?" He let out a small chuckle, causing everyone to laugh because he was so, so wrong.

"Eunnie has the most names out of all of us," Haneul stated, covering her mouth as she laughed. "I call her Chaeun, and all the boys have their own two-syllable name for her."

Jaehyuk nodded, pinching Eun's cheeks. "I call her Eunjae, you know, using the syllables in my names. And basically so do the others."

"Yeah." Eun laughed, smiling hard as her cheeks hurt. "It's easier to know who is calling me, then. Yedam calls me Eundami, Jeongwoo calls me Eunwoo, Junkyu calls me Eunjunnie, Hyunsuk calls me Eunsuk."

She took a breath, continuing with the list of nicknames. "Junghwan calls me Eunhwan, Ruto calls me Charuto, Yoshi calls me Chashi and Mashiho calls me Eunshi."

"You forgot mine," Jihoon spoke up, smiling at Eun, which made her heart melt. "I call her Jieun and Chahoon."

"Yes, you do. But not much," Eun stated, pointedly looking at the older.

"I'll start calling you Jieun and Chahoon more, then," Jihoon retorted, sticking his tongue out like a small child.

Eun shook her head in response, laughing. And for the first time, instead of gushing about her interaction with Jihoon, she raised her head and looked towards the cafe door, wondering what happened to the bunny-like boy.

As she tried looking for the boy outside through the window, the cafe door opened as Doyoung walked in.

Eun smiled at him when their eyes met, causing the boy to return the smile, even though he looked nervous.

"My, uh, mum called me back home. I should go," he announced as soon as he reached the table, handing over Eun's phone and bowing gratefully.

"Okay, it's time we head back too," Junkyu said, drinking up the last of his coffee. "Mashi and Doyoungie can come with me, I'll drop you guys."

Doyoung stood near Eun, staring at the girl in confusion. Eun felt his gaze but ignored it as she was a little annoyed with him.

Where was the 'thank you'? Do people not have basic manners these days?

"Well, thank you, Jihoon oppa, for paying for everyone's drinks!" Haneul cheered, smiling innocently at the said boy. Jihoon's eyes widened at her words and before he knew it, half of his friends were out of the cafe.

Eun laughed to herself, but still went to the counter. "Hi, the coffee was great as always," she thanked their barista. "Yeah, I will be paying for table seven." She waited until the cashier got the bill and paid for their drinks, walking away as if nothing happened.

No one noticed her pay for their drinks.

Not even Hyunsuk who was supposed to drop her home, he already had gone out of the cafe without her.

Not even Jeongwoo and Haneul, her best friends. Not even Junkyu and Jaehyuk, the two who always babied Eun.

Not even the one who had to pay himself, Jihoon, he was whining to Asahi, trying to get out of paying the bill.

No one except Doyoung, who suddenly started to take an interest in the brunette.

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