15. The Commisson-Five

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Holly fell back into my arms and I looked at The Handler

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Holly fell back into my arms and I looked at The Handler.

"What did you do?" I demanded, trying my best to hold her up. 

The Handler surveyed the beautiful girl in my arms, a wary look in her eyes.

"What did I do?" She let out a braying giggle. "I did nothing. She not conditioned to this type of ability. She is weak, but she is strong. We can help her maintain her powers for great benefits. She just needs to get used to it."

"Maintain? But she'll kill herself, that's too much."

The Handler shrugged.

"That's not my problem. She'll wake up soon."

I bit my lip and patted Holly's cheek gently. She felt warm.

"Five?" Holly breathed, her eyes fluttering open.

I sighed in relief.

"Good. You're up! Now come on, I'll give you the tour." The Handler said, a smile appearing on her heavily lipsticked lips.

I took Holly's arm, supporting her as we followed The Handler around the grounds as she lead us from building to building.

"You know, I must admit, Number Five, in all my years here I've never met anyone quite like you. Hazel and Cha-Cha are similarly talented, but they can't see the big picture. Your spunk, your enterprising spirit; well, it reminds me of myself, if I may be so vain. If things work out for you here, you may become a fine successor, Five."

We entered a beautiful building and The Handler removed her coat. I tightened my grip on Holly and followed The Handler upstairs.

"I'd like to discuss the logistics of my family's safety at your earliest connivence. As well as a spotty replacements and ensured, and complete protection for Holiday."

The Handler smiled.

"Such demands, it's refreshing, I'll admit. You must slow down, Five, all in good time. In fact, now that you've finally agreed to work with us, you've got al the time in the world." I followed her into the Briefcase Room as she explained the briefcase connection to the timeline.

"But you're in management now, one of us. All the people on this floor are case managers. Each one responsible for one major event at a time." We stopped in a room full of people with blue type writers, typing away.

"There's so many of them," Holly said softly.

"So grand. Come along," The Handler headed down the hall, and Holly and I on her tail.

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