18. Safe(ish)-Holly

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I groaned. It all came back to me, the image of Allison laying there on the floor of the cabin. I opened my eyes, and was back in Five's room. Unfortunately, Five was nowhere in sight.

I liked his room; sure it was simple and bare, but it was homey. If the apocalypse wasn't coming I'd suggest we live here, siblings, Pogo, and Grace included. They were growing on me. Now that I could actually meet them, and the years of stories I'd heard, I felt like I was a member of the family.

I didn't have enough energy to get up and look for Five, so I spatial jumped downstairs. It was a stupid move, but the more I drained myself, the better chance they probably have if saving the world.

They don't need me. Besides, Five's math said it all. I'm one of the causes of the apocalypse, so it would be better for everyone if I died.

I appeared in a corner of the academy's living room, where Diego, Luther, and Five were.

I whimpered as I felt another scar appear. Except this time, it felt deeper than a just scar. It felt like a cut.

"....I'm not saying I don't care about her, but if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the other seven billion of us. Harold Jenkins is our first priority,"

She? Was he talking about me?

"I agree," Diego said. "Let's go."

They still hadn't noticed me yet.

"You can count me out," Klaus mumbled from his spot on the couch. "I mean, no offense, or whatever, I just kind of feel like this is a whole lot of pressure for a newly-sober me, so..."

"You're coming."

"No, no, no. We can all agree that my power, I mean, it's pretty much useless,"

"Klaus, get up," Five demanded.

"You can't make me!"

Diego pulled a knife and threw it between Klaus's legs. Klaus gasped and jumped up.

"Then again, a little exercise wouldn't hurt;" He began to walk away, when he spotted me in the corner. "Oh, hey, Holly,"

I gave a little wave. Five rushed over to me and slipped his arm around my waist.

"Honey, what are you doing? I didn't hear you come down."

Time Travel and the Apocalypse: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now