1. An Introduction: Holiday

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It started like any other day

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It started like any other day. I woke up, got ready, left for school, came home, and did my homework. A completely normal day.

Once I was finished with my homework, I put on Breakfast At Tiffany's- my favorite movie. I've loved it since I was little. It made me feel special seeing Audrey Hepburn play a beautiful girl with the same name as me. Besides that, I loved the story; a quiet, lonely man falls for his neighbor, a wild, dream-filled girl, who doesn't quite know what she wants. I've admired the story forever. Since the first time I saw it, it made me want to live in the 60s. Specifically, in a New York apartment, just like the one Holly and Paul live in. Life would be so simple if that was the case.

The movie was almost over when my mom came home from work.

"Hey, did you stop by the store on your way home?" Mom asked, throwing her purse on table.

Shit. She had asked me to buy a head of cabbage, bread, and tomatoes before I came home.

I hesitated before answering. "I forgot, I'm sorry."

"Of course you forgot!" Mom groaned. "You always forget something, don't you?"

She wasn't wrong, but I could not stand to be around her any longer. I paused Breakfast At Tiffany's and fled to my room. Mom followed me, but the door swung shut before she could enter.

That was weird. I don't remember slamming the door. Mom pounded at it, demanding for me to open it. The weird thing was that I didn't remember locking my door, either.

I ignored my mom until I couldn't anymore. She called me to dinner around 6, and blamed me for our meal of leftovers.

"You know, you're really irresponsible," Mom said. "No college is going to want someone like you. Hell, I barely do;" I only half-listened as she continued, fidgeting with the steak knife next to me.

Ugh. I could stab her right now.

Much to my horror, the knife flew across the table and into my mother, as did other sharp household items. Scissors, butter knives, steak knives, pens, and pencils all flew like daggers through the air and into my mom.

Blood spurted all over the kitchen floor, the scene made me sick. I didn't know what to do, or what I did. I was terrified- did I just do that? Did I kill my mom? Oh my God!

Unsure of what to do, I ran to my room and curled up on my bed, wishing for a new start. That was the last thing I remember before squeezing my eyes shut and falling asleep. 

When I woke up, I was in a new place. I was laying in a full-size bed under flowered bedding. Next to the bed, was a brown and yellow nightstand with flowers. On top of it was a small clock-radio and an orange lamp. Actions the room was a wooden dresser and a large mirror. There were band posters all around the room and airy curtains that allowed bright sunlight to stream inside.

I got up to see myself wearing a beautiful satin nightgown and a set of hair curlers. I shuffled out of the room and into a small apartment. It was nice, yet simple. The living room had a small box television, a bookshelf, and a record player sat on a small nightstand beside an orange couch. The kitchen/dining room was right behind it, nice and simple. A radio sat on the kitchen counter. I turned it on.

'Good Morning New York! I'm Ted Bailey here on the beautiful morning of April 25th, 1961. It's now a quarter to eight and I'm here to play the hits! Here's Jerry Lee Lewis with Great Balls of Fire!'

The song started and I laughed. I'd done it. I'd actually done it. I was back in 1961! And I couldn't believe it.

That's how I found out I could time travel.

I quickly adjusted to life in 1961,
and even got myself a job as Call Girl. Just like Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's. I wasn't proud of it, but I was paid very well. I also began to work on my ability to time travel- traveling through the years, collecting clothes and records. My favorite time was the 80s. The fashion, the music, the attitude, all of it.

But there was a catch- every time I time traveled, I have to stay in that time for at least a day to 'recharge,' I will never age, and each time I travel I get a new scar. Most of the time they appear on my arms, so I wear a lot sweaters and jackets. My favorite is a leather jacket that I got in 1985.

And everything became fairly normal. That is until he showed up.

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