•twelve• {New Americana}

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[I feel like these updates are getting less and less reads and that's making me not really want to update that much if nobody wants to read this anymore. This story is was my first real fanfic and it kind of hurts that nobody finds happiness in this like I do

Troye is played by Troye Sivan obviously]

"Shit! I am so sorry." I stammered after I practically slammed into someone in the hallway.

"'S alright." The boy whom I had knock over said cheerfully, picking up his books and straightening his glasses. He wore a dark grey jumper, blue skinny jeans, and white converse. Pretty casual for a sort of high end school. (As if I'm one to talk) He had bluish greenish eyes and curly brown hair, styled to the side. He placed his square rimmed glasses high on the bridge of his nose, pausing to slide them up with his thumb and middle finger quite regally.

"I'm Troye." He smiled, holding his hand out for me to shake. "Excuse me for running into you there. That's not a very proper introduction is it?"

I warily shook his hand, pausing to ponder whether or not this guy was worth befriending. I mean, I kind of owe him for almost killing him, but based on how my friend making is going so far, I doubt he's as normal as he appears.

"So I'm guessing you're new here. I haven't seen you around here before." He observed, making small talk as we walked leisurely down the hall. We were already extremely late, so what's the point in trying to make it in time?

"Yeah I moved here a few weeks ago. Not very easy making friends around here though. Everyone acts so weird around me." I said, switching my books over to my right arm.

Troye sighed and laughed awkwardly. "Well it's not very often we have new students around here." He said. "And I'm guessing you haven't heard the rumours either?"

"No. What are they?" I pressed, stopping in my tracks. "Are they bad?"

"There's rumours going around that you moved into the old Hemmings house." He answered in a hushed tone. "They say it's haunted by the ghost of the Mr and Mrs's late son-"

"And I'm guessing that's why no one wants to come near me." I finished with a sigh. "Figures. It makes sense. No one wants to be around someone who hangs with ghosts all the time."

"I'll be your friend." Troye smiled before lowering his voice. "I'll have you know, I'm not afraid to hang around the supernatural." He said with a smirk.

[that was short and shitty but hEY IM BACK]

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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