•seven• {Seventeen Crimes}

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[my hair is red and I look like Gerard Way

My sister won't stop calling me Michael after she saw my "firetruck hair" hahah help me]

"Do I really have to go to school?" I asked for about the thirtieth time in the car on the way to school.

My mum sighed and ran a gains through her hair. "Of course you do. Stop acting like a five year old and get out of the car. We've already arrived."

I frowned and grabbed my bag from the floor by my feet and opened the door. I mumbled a quick "bye" before quickly climbing out and walking up the path of the huge castle-like school.

I saw groups of other students standing on the front lawn talking and laughing with their friends. Of course I saw the common cliches like the jokes and the sluts who were always together, the nerdy people standing by themselves on the benches, the punks and crack heads smoking on the wall. Everyone was staring at me, some like I was new meat, some like I was another guy to hook up with, others like I would beat them up, they were all staring.

I made my way into the school before the bell rang and looked at my schedule to find my locker number and combination. When I found out what wing my locker was in, I wandered the high ceilinged and crowded corridors. After putting my things in my locker I looked at my schedule to see that my homeroom period was all the way on the other side of the school.

"This is going to be a long day." I groaned.


After what felt like hours of classes, I was finally on break and decided that the most suitable place would be the library, seeing as almost no one goes in there anymore.

So there I was, hiding amongst the stacks of book, praying someone didn't see me and try to make friends with the new kid. I had done pretty well hiding myself in the back near the history and science books that nobody ever seems to touch, that is before a hand was placed on my shoulder, making me jump and slam my Batman comic shut. I turned around and was met with a pair of hazel eyes hiding behind a pair of huge glasses.

The boy smiled and pushed his long fringe out of the way. "I see you're new here." He observed, setting his comic in front of the chair next to me.

"How'd you know?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well," he answered. "you're hiding in the back near the teacher's section, so my only two bets are that you're either so good at hiding I haven't seen you before, or that you're new and don't want to be noticed. It obviously can't be the first option because one, this is my normal spot, and two, I know everything that goes on here."

I stared gaping at the boy with a dumb expression on my face. He simply smiled back and periodically pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. From first glance he kind of looked like a common nerd, but after finally making out the words on his faded AFI shirt, and counting just how many holes were in his jeans, he didn't look like someone you would run into in a school library. Especially not in the shelves between comics and textbooks.

"So what's your name?" I asked hesitantly. "I'm- uh, I'm Calum."

"Ashton." He answered, still not wiping the silly grin off his face.

I sighed and closed my book when seeing it was almost time to go to my next class. "Well I guess I'll see you around sometime. Nice chatting with you but I've got to go."

His head snapped towards the clock and he winced before rushing away. "I'll see you soon." He called before disappearing behind the stacks.

I grabbed all my things and was about to rush out behind him, but noticed he left his comic behind. I looked at the label and my eyes widened when seeing it was a rare edition. He would definitely not want to loose this. I quickly grabbed it and ran in the direction that he left, calling after him.

I rounded the corner into the open part of the library and frowned when seeing he was nowhere to be seen. I rushed out the library doors and into the deserted hallways. He was still nowhere in sight. I called his name a few times, but there was still no sign of the hazel eyed boy.

[whoop whoop

Question of the chapter; does anyone watch anime, and if so, what would you recommend]

Before You Sleep || Cake (boyxboy) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now