•five• {Monster}

337 25 22

[my dog is fat and can't walk so we made jokes about getting wheels for him


I'm not drunk (I promise)]


The next day, after waiting for what seemed like hours on the front porch, the moving truck with our stuff that we shopped from Australia finally arrived. I had been absolutely dying to get to my box of albums and posters to cover my walls. I nearly tackled the one of the movers when I caught sight of him carrying the box with my sloppy careless handwriting saying "Calum's posters and shit. Keep away from David!" (I added the last part just to spite him)

I had decided that the attic was to be my room, because all the other rooms were either too small or too close to someone else's room, and the fact that we had decided that we wanted to live in that part of the house and the other side would be either storage or rented out by a another family. I was not hoping for the later at all.

After placing my furniture where I wanted and tacking up poster around the room, it was starting to resemble something that could pass for a comfortable room.

The one thing I didn't understand was when I went out on the lawn to look at my new curtains from the outside, the farthest window that was, if it lined up correctly with the house, supposed to be the last window with barely any space between it and the side of the house, instead had a huge space that looked like it could house another small room. I frowned because there were no other door that could possibly lead it any other room from my room. Maybe I didn't look close enough.

After contemplating for a while on the front lawn I realised what an idiot I looked like standing on the lawn staring cross-eyed at the attic windows so, I continued my contemplating in the space in the back of my closet.

I tried my best to ignore the strange rustling sound I'd been hearing for hours on end since I'd stepped foot in the attic, but it was all too annoying and had to turn on an abundance of fans to block out the white noise with more white noise. [AAOOD anyone?]

By the time night had fallen, I was already close to passing out on the couch after a few hours of binge-watching cartoons after I'd given up on figuring out the strange problem that had arisen. I looked over at the clock on the wall and saw it was a few minutes before midnight- a few minutes for me to pretend like I'd been sleeping all this time when either my mom or David checks on me after they'd finished work in the office.

I quickly stripped down to boxers and climbed into bed, pretending that I'd fallen asleep watching Bee and Puppycat, which happened to be playing at a low volume.

All the while, the rustling seemed to get louder and louder and was soon much much louder than the fans that were set to their highest setting. The clock was still ticking to midnight and the rustling was getting louder and louder all the while. A constant breeze swept through the loud room before everything fell silent. The fans turned themselves off, the television paused itself while Puppycat was in the midst of saying "pick up my groceries peasant!", the clock froze, and the rustling died down- all while the final seconds were ticking down to midnight.

A sudden loud eruption of screams echoed through the house accompanied by the sound of a knife being drawn from the block and a set of noises fifteen in a row one could only identify as stabbing. The screams died down almost immediately after a specifically loud last stab, before the sound of someone grunting as though picking up a heavy weight, then footsteps through the attic coming closer to the window across from my bed. Not seeing anything through the dark, I heard the sound of a window being opened and something being dropped, then the window closing.

Oh my god. I thought. I just heard someone being murdered in my own home.

[Who else watches Bee And Puppycat? I do and I am officially obsessed

This would have been up yesterday but my wifi was screwy and the whole fist half got deleted

I hope this doesn't get privated because of violence

I updated this at like two in the morning and I edited again]

Before You Sleep || Cake (boyxboy) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now