•six• {Brick By Boring Brick}

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[All this drama with Michael and Calum is really hitting me hard lately bc when my sunshine and my kitten are upset I'm usually upset too

My mom and I were completely freaking out when I saw the article on sugarscape about it and showed her. She went into completely mama bear mode and had to check all their individual twitter accounts and Facebook to see how they were doing all the while Pandora was playing and a Fun song started with the opening line; "light a Roman candle with me" then my mom pulled this pouty face when seeing Michael's selfie saying "poor baby"

This is why I love my mom

In other news I opened my old notes for the original story and I found that my original idea was for Ashton to be the victim of the shooting and Michael died in the fire and I mixed them up. Oh reality, why are you so cruel?]

After midnight I literally didn't sleep at all.

All that I could focus on was the screaming playing on repeat over and over in my head. There was no shaking the feeling that I was being watched by something in the room, and it wasn't the paused picture of Puppycat on the television. The electricity had come back on and now that the annoying rustling was gone the fans were starting to really get on my nerves. The constant whir of the blades spinning around and around and slicing the air were almost a sickeningly repetitive sound that seemed to never vary in pattern or tone. Like when you repeat a word over and over again and it seems to lose all it's meaning until it's reduced to just a meaningless series of sounds that could drive a sane man mad by repeating.

I was left with my own terror, the repetitive sound of fifteen fans, and the feeling of being watched until morning.


When dragging myself downstairs after a few minutes of stumbling drowsily around my room to make it to the door, I was surprised by how quickly the weather had changed. Only the day before it was sunny and somewhat warm, but today seemed to be the day when Mother Nature sent out her worst of all storms at one time over the whole UK. There was thunder, lightning, and something that resembled hail, but I couldn't be sure. It was like the Day After Tomorrow of the Hood household, except I'm not a math genius and I haven't met any ice-drilling scientists lately.

I tripped down the stairs over the pant leg of my sweatpants that were way too long to fit me, and I ended up rolling down that flight of stairs. I recovered myself from the floor and staggered the rest of the way down to the kitchen, ignoring the pain in my head all the way.

By the time I got to the kitchen I did a double take when seeing the clock on the stove read four in the morning. I sighed to myself but got out the coffee from the cupboard anyway. I might as well get up if there's no use sleeping all day.

Two hours passed and I was almost asleep on the counter in front of my untouched cup of coffee before my mum walked in the kitchen, scaring the living shit out of me.

"Why are you up so early?" She questioned.

I shrugged and sipped my bitter coffee half heartedly. "Couldn't sleep." Was all I answered with.

She gave me a smile and as she fixer herself a mug. "Excited for your first day of school today?"

I nearly spit out my coffee. I forgot all about school today. "Yeah I guess." I answered.

[Ending it there bc I'm lazy and I have a longer chapter planned next

Question of the chapter; how many people who read this are part of the OTGW fandom

Another question; how many people have never been to a 5sos concert and are probably never going to be able to

My answers; yes and sadly yes

I painted my toenails with nail polish that smells like oranges and my puppy was chewing on my big toe while I was writing this]

Before You Sleep || Cake (boyxboy) EDITINGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ