•Nine• {Ghost}

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[I finally gave into the minority and listened to Halsey for the first time and she's not too bad, so the song for this chapter is obviously Ghost]

I spent my weekend casually lazing around the house in the den across the hall from the old parlor. There was a big fireplace and the flat screen tv from the den in our old house was hung over the mantle. (I basically watched the whole of Netflix within twenty four hours on Saturday.)

I was dozing off with an old episode of Supernatural playing softly when a loud and incessant knocking on the front door jarred me awake. I waited a few seconds and sighed when realising nobody else would answer the door, and hauled myself up from the sofa.

I threw the door open roughly, almost knocking the wreath of fall leaves and branches off the front of the door. "Can I help you?" I asked without even looking at the person at the door.

"Yes, um- this is the Hood residence? Correct?" A small squeaky voice asked politely.

I looked up to see a boy about my age wearing all black, black jeans, a black sweatshirt with the hood pulled up, and black shoes. He had extremely dark circles under his eyes and almost inhumanly pale skin. I could barely make out the shape of a scar down his left cheek under the shadow of his hood.

"Uh- yes that would be right." I said unsurely.

The boy shifted back and fourth between feet and looked around nervously. "My mum sent me to borrow a cup of flour." He stuttered.

I snorted and started to close the door. "Like I believe you. Next time you want to get into a stranger's house you should make up a better excuse."

"Okay I lied." The boy said quickly. "I actually came for medicine. My mum has allergies and we can't afford the medicine to help her." He shakily handed me a slip of paper with what looked like a shopping list on it. Everything was crossed off but allergy medicine.

"Alright what's your name?" I asked, clearly fed up with this kid's bullshit.

"Lu- Robert. My name is Robert." He said slowly.

I reached passed the door to the small table against the wall in the hallway, grabbing a ten dollar bill. "Alright Robert. I'm not going to give you medicine because you could be an addict or something, so I'll give you ten bucks and you can go down to the drug store in town and buy that generic allergy stuff. Okay?"

He slowly took the ten dollar bill and stuffed it in his hoodie pocket. "Thanks-"

"It's Calum." I said with a fake half smile. "See you." And I slammed the door in his face, then I noticed the slip of paper still in my hand. I didn't know whether or not the paper was important to him, so it can't hurt to ask.

I threw open the door and quickly searched around fro the boy in the black hoodie. He couldn't have gone far unless he was a fucking speed demon. "Robert?" I called unsurely out into the open air.

I didn't see him near the lawn, so I walked a ways down the road until I got to the edge of the property. Laying in the middle of the road was a black hoodie and a ten dollar bill folded neatly in the pocket.

[All this creepy shit keeps happening but I promise it's building up to the story.

Currently freaking out bc I just saw that Larry_Lashton added this to her reading list. Excuse me while I go scream into a pillow and sit in my closet for seven hours]

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