•four• {I Write Sins Not Tragedies}

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[I was just reading over my entire story and I somehow failed to notice in the writing process through the whole original story how fast paced the whole thing was so I promise I'll try my best not to do that again]


I think my expectations of our new house and our old house really made up for it all in the amount of rooms that will most likely be unused. This means that I have a lot of places I can be alone and distance myself from my family.

The basic plot of the mansion was the original house and an added on part, since the 1800's expectation of a mansion was a lot smaller than now. So my family decided that they wanted to live mostly in the part of the house that was modernly built, since they didn't want to risk the floor falling apart beneath their feet; which brings me to the incident in the attic.

After putting all my boxes in one of the front rooms, I ended up getting bored from my mom and David talking about the "historical treasures" in the house, and exploring by myself.

I wandered the musty smelling halls and peaked my head in all the doorways before wrinkling up my nose in the cloud of dust that swirled in the air when I opened the door.

I explored many floors and hallways and looked out windows overlooking the hills and forest and eventually the city in the distance. It was raining outside, and the stained glass windows had water running down the glass, making the image on them look watery and distorted.

As I was walking I noticed sounds coming from all around me. By the time I got to the attic, I was wishing desperately to be in the safety of my closet in Sydney. I missed the nights spent in there with a sore throat, sometimes falling asleep and waking up with a stiff neck. The sounds like rustling in the walls only got more frantic as I slowly pushed open the thick oak door.

In a swirl of dust, I pushed the door open and looked around the vast space. The ceiling was so high it could probably comfortably fit two more floors and the oak floor was surprisingly well kept despite being in a dusty attic. A wall of book shelves was on the opposite walls as well as a large space in the book case where a bed could fit in the centre. Whoever originally owned the house obviously had someone living up here at some point.

All at once the creaking in the walls all around me moved to one single spot in the ceiling. There was a loud bang and a (luckily, small) beam from the ceiling fell down onto my head.

"Ow!" I yelled at nobody in particular, clutching my head. "What the fuck!"

I looked around the room in search of whatever could have knocked the wood down, but saw nothing.

"Whatever." I shrugged.

I walked around the room a little. It really was quite a nice room. A little dusting and a new wall colour wouldn't hurt, but otherwise the attic was in pretty good shape.

Two doors in the corner caught my eye. They were both made of thick, much like all the other doors, and both had a visible lock on the door. I approached the doors slowly, then reached my hand out to the first door on the left. I turned the knob and pulled the door open, standing to the side in case any anything decided to chuck another wooden beam at my head. Fortunately, nothing did, so I peaked my head inside and searched for a light switch. I found one on the left wall beside he door and flicked it on, and a light in the middle of the ceiling flickered on. I found myself standing in the middle of a modern bathroom.

"Well." I said to myself. "That's a pleasant surprise."

I walked out of the small room and instead started pushing the door open that lead to the other room next to it. The rustling in the walls was back, so I ignored it and pushed the creaky door open more. This door was obviously a lot older than the bathroom door, so naturally I expected something more interesting.

Behind the door I expected something not-so interesting, but instead found something I didn't expect; of all things, a closet.

Little did I know that once I opened that door, I opened the door to a house full of spirits that had only one motive; to get me out of that house before I discovered all of it's secrets.

Before You Sleep || Cake (boyxboy) EDITINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon