Eunice nodded, "e- thanks." She said and seated at the single couch on their living room.

"I'll prepare some snacks for you and your visitor señorita." The old lady said before leaving us.

I sigh, "so we can't still see her? Them?" I said.

Eunice groaned, "I'm still having a jetlag, seriously I hate a long flights, but we must wait." She said and closed her eyes.

I came closer to her, "you always sleep, are you okay?" I asked

She opened her eyes and looked at me, "not really but maybe the snack will do, let's just wait for it." She said and closed her eyes again.

Well, some of us are aware about the relationship of Hwall to Eunice.

A one sided love.

But we really hope that Eunice could recognize Hwall as a lover not as a stalker anymore.

The snack came and we eat for a while while waiting for them to come home. Even I want to help the care takers about our stuffs, they won't let us move, their reason?

Simply because it was an order.

While roaming in their kitchen I saw a young girl. I smiled at her and she hid herself behind the wall.

"Hi" I said and come closer to the girl.

"Who are you? May I know your name?" I gently asked while trying to reached her.

At first she was hesitant but later on, she received my hand.

"I'm Mamba" she said and wipe her sweat in her forehead.

"Are you nervous? Do you recognize me?" I asked, there's no way she could be this hesitant if she knows that I'm an idol. Well, only if our popularity really reached Italy.

The girl nodded, "señorita Jia always talk about you." She said that stop my world for a second.

She did?

"How did she talked about me? C-could you elaborate?" I nervously asked.

"She said that your band is great and very popular in Korea where she lives. She likes you as her bias and a real boyfriend." Then she paused for a bit, "are you really her boyfriend?" The girl asked.

I nodded, yes baby, before.

"Then why did you leave her?" She asked again.

Because I was naive that I thought I could destroy her dreams if she's with me, but the truth is, I will be the one who will be devastated once she left me.

I smile, "I made a very bad decision that every man should never do to someone thay they truly love." I said

Mamba nodded, "she said the same way too, I heard her cry some times and when I asked her she would just say that she missed you but she can't afford to see you yet." Then she pouted.

"She really wants to see the world that she pushed herself to recover but it only drained her." Mamba said.

"But! Since you're here, I know she will be fine again. Don't leave my sister please?" She said with a puppy eyes that really remind me of Jia.

I smile, "you don't need to beg baby, I'll with her, until my very last breathe." I said and pinch her nose.

She hugged me and I hugged her too, before someone called her to let her help them to clean the garden.

Now everything is clear, all these partings only symbolize loneliness for the both of us.

Why did I let her go in the first place? Just thinking of my reason makes me want to vommit.

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