Chapter 1

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"Are you sure this is the right place?" I ask skeptically into the phone, looking up at the large sign in curly font on top of the store.

"There's only one bakery called 'Sugar Sweet' in the city Levi, of course it's the right place! Now, when you get in there, say you're picking up an order under the name Hanji, it's a dozen cinnamon sugar cupcakes."

"Cinnamon sugar? Erwin likes that shit?"

"He said they're his favorite and this is his favorite bakery, so that's what I ordered! Now get in there and bring it back quickly, this is supposed to be a surprise before lunch!"

"Maybe if you came and did this shit yourself, because you know, that's your fucking job as my personal assistant, this would already be done." I hiss into the phone, getting pissed off all over again at this shitty mundane task I shouldn't even be doing.

"I already told you I was sorry Levi, I didn't realize I had a lot to handle for you already. Anyways, I'm going to hang up now before you get anymore angry!" A beep sounds through the phone signaling the call is over, and I pull the phone away from my ear and look down at it with a scowl.

Hanji is such a useless personal assistant, it might be time to fire her and hire a competent one who doesn't irritate me at every second.

I roll my eyes and look back at the bakery, making my way up to the door and entering it while pulling my scarf down, relishing in the warmth the bakery provides. I look around at the clean white aesthetic and various plants littered everywhere until my attention is brought to a large glass display filled with various cupcakes and other treats. The variation of all the flavors and the intricate decoration on each is actually very impressive, and I can understand  why this is Erwin's favorite place to get desert.

"One second!" A voice calls out, and I make my way over to the register and wait, glancing down at my watch to make sure I still have enough time to make it back to present the cupcakes.

"Sorry to keep you waiting! I was just cleaning up in the back..." The voice calls out again, but this time is followed by a lean man with the brightest green eyes I've ever seen, and short dark brown hair pulled into a messy half up half down hairstyle. A light flush covers his cheeks, probably from rushing to get up here, and he shoots me a small shy smile as he starts pressing buttons on the register.

He's actually kind of...stunning.

"...Uh, sir? I asked you if you're here to pick up an order or if you want to make one?"

It takes a moment for his words to resonate in my brain but when they do I clear my throat awkwardly and open my mouth. "Yes, I am."

"Ok, what name is it under?"

"Hanji." I try to look anywhere but this boy who can't be older than 18, but it's just not happening. My eyes focus in on his plump bottom lip he lightly chews on, and I slowly scan my eyes up his face, noticing a small spattering of barely visible freckles on his nose and cheeks

"So an order for a dozen cinnamon sugar cupcakes?" He looks up at me quickly from under thick lashes and I swallow thickly before nodding. "Perfect, I have them in the fridge so let me just grab them and you'll be all set. It looks like whoever made the order originally already paid."

I silently thank Hanji for already paying, I would rather not have to spend a single scent on that humongous eyebrow fucker.

"Alright, here you go! I hope you enjoy." He finishes his sentence with a beaming smile as he leans over the counter slightly to hand me the large paper bag, a "Sugar Sweet" logo on the front of it.

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