Part 30: Boys Will Be Boys...

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The moment Brian strolled up to the base with Nova in his arms, they were rushed by everyone on set. Nova tried to explain that she was going to be just fine, but everyone still seemed concerned. Q set Nova down on a chair and went to go let the director know what happened. 

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry Nova! I should have never asked you to do this for me" Murr cringed when he came up to her, biting his fist in guilt. 

"It's okay, really. I wanted to jump out of that plane, it is not your fault" Nova said, trying to brush it off. Murr continued to look at her as if this was all his doing. 

One of the crew members handed her a bag of ice as everyone stood around waiting to attend to whatever Nova might need. It seemed the guilt traveled through the rest of the crew and Nova felt uncomfortable that all the attention was on her. 

While Nova waited on Q to get the paper work that she needed to fill out, being that she got hurt on the job, Sal of all people came up to her. She eyed him as he pulled up a chair next to her. 

"Hey, you okay? I heard what happened, I'm really sorry, that sucks" He said genuinely. Nova shifted in her seat uncomfortably. 

"Yeah, I'll be okay, I think I just aggravated it from my accident, it doesn't feel like anything is broken or unattached, even though it hurts, I can still put a little weight on it."

Sal cringed at her words and made an "Oooh" sound. 

"Look...That was pretty cool what you did back there...You know, for Murray and the show....You really didn't have to do that" Sal said, being nice to her for the first time since her and Q broke it off. 

Nova looked at him, not sure of what to make of this version of Sal that she was seeing. 

"Um...Thanks...I know I didn't have to but Murr was kinda breaking my heart and I didn't want today to be a waste. I really think this will make a killer episode."

"Well we appreciate it....I appreciate it" Sal said, gesturing to himself. "This one was my idea and for a minute I really thought that it wasn't going to happen."

Nova gave him a smile and said "No problem."

They exchange sincere looks which still felt odd to Nova but she took it. Who knows? Maybe he was ready to stop being such an asshole to her...

Q came back and Nova filled out all the necessary paper work and then it was time to go to the hospital. Luckily there was one right down the road (conveniently) and Q and Joe helped her into Q's jeep. 

"Make sure you get her there in one piece, I swear you are like a bad omen to this girl" Joe said to Q jokingly after shutting Nova's door. 

Nova playfully rolled her eyes and Q held up his hands defensively saying "I told her not to do it!"

Joe made a face and jokingly said "Oh! Pfft! Yeah right! Like you're gonna be the one that will tell this girl what to do!". Nova cracked up and Q just shrugged his arms as if he were saying 'what are you gonna do?'

"Well just make sure you get her there safe...I'm gonna tag along in my car just to make sure there is no funny business" Joe said, making playful eyes at Q.

"Ohh Joe, you don't have to come. I'm sure it's nothing more than just a sprain or a pull of some sort...I'll be-" Nova started to put Joe at ease. 

"Ohh no no, it's okay sweetie, I got nothing doing tonight...And besides there is no way I'm going to go home tonight and be stuck worrying about the best damn photographer we have ever had on set. Once you are part of the crew, you are part of the family and we all look out for each other, so get used to it." Joe said very reassuringly.

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