Part 14: Boyfriends and Work Husbands

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((((Sorry this one took me so long, been getting in my busy season at work and its just been hell!)))

For the next couple of weeks, Nova and Q found themselves a routine where they could see each other a few times a week. As much as they couldn't get enough of each other, they still had jobs and busy schedules so they made time whenever they could. The TruTV office was closer to Nova's apartment than it was to Staten Island where Q lived so they would usually end up at Nova's place. Nova still had not been over to Q's house.

 He would come straight from work and usually bring dinner to her just like he did their first night together, or sometimes Nova would surprise him and cook something. Q always appreciated it because the only time he was able to eat a home cooked meal was when he drove upstate to see his parents or if Joe was having a get together at his place.

 And Nova enjoyed cooking for him just as much as he liked eating whatever she made. The only time when she really cooked here in New York was if she made something in the crock pot to last her for a few days. It didn't make sense to cook for just her so she usually resorted to cans of soup or take out for dinner. Growing up, she was the main cook in her family, and she really enjoyed it. She had learned most of her recipes from her mother and Nova always liked to make sure dinner was done before her mom arrived home from work so she didn't have to worry about it. 

Unfortunately, due to their busy schedules, they weren't really open to go out on dates. Even though Nova appreciated any time they could get together, she missed the process of going out and actually dating. She was usually off on weekends and Q's schedule was so sporadic that it was rare he even had a day off. If he wasn't at the office, he was doing podcasts, and if he wasn't doing podcasts he was either with Nova, catching up on things he needed to do around the house or visiting his parents. 

They weren't filming just yet, they still had a few more weeks and Nova couldn't help but wonder how much more their time would diminish when they did. Granted, it didn't take much to make her happy. She was happy to see him when ever she could but it was also nice to be able to go out from time to time. 

Tonight was finally the night where the stars were aligned and Brian Quinn and Nova Brady's schedule finally matched up at a reasonable hour. For once, Brian did not have to stay late, he was able to take off a podcast session, and he was actually in town. For once, Nova did not have to sing, she did not have any late night editing, and she was able to get out of the Outlet early....Or so she thought...

It was approaching 6PM, Nova and Juan were finishing up their last set of patio accessories that were to be featured in their "Summer Heat" edition of their magazine. Nova's boss had been hounding the both of them all day about their deadlines, saying how everything had to be arranged and shot before the end of this weekend so they could bang out the editing process during the upcoming week, with just enough time for the magazine to be ready to send out before June. 

They normally did not work this close to their deadlines, but due to a shipping error they were late receiving their inventory so poor Nova and Juan had to work double time to get everything done that her boss was demanding. Of course if her boss would have jumped in to help, they probably could have been done sooner, but that was how upper management at the Outlet liked to run things. 

"Any plans tonight?" Juan asked as he watched Nova photograph the last of the inventory. "Actually I do! Brian is picking me up at eight tonight and he's gonna take me out" Nova said, quite chipper despite how tired she was. Her and Juan had been at it since 9AM this morning and hadn't really had a break since. 

"Oooh fancy fancy, bought time that boy take you out on a proper date, queens like us need to be wined and dined and shown off to the world like the hott pieces of ass we are" Juan joked, playfully smacking the back of his thigh. Nova snickered and shook her head. "Yeah, I'm excited. Things have just been so chaotic lately, our schedules just never seem to match up" Nova explained. 

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