Part 11: Must Be a Joker Thing

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Later that week, after Brain and Nova's steamy make-out session, Nova was in her apartment getting ready to head down to TruTV to deliver the promo pictures. She had called Robin to let her know that they were ready (after telling her all about the juicy details of her second date with Q) and Robin told Nova that she would let Pete McPartland know and set up a time for her to come down. 

"Ugh! I thought that you said you weren't going to see him anymore, I gotta admit I'm surprised" Robin said, voicing her opinion a little too much. "Yeah I know, but there was just something about him. After I saw him at The Haunted Star, I don't know, something between us just clicked and I figured the guy at least deserved a chance" Nova explained. 

"Hmm...Is he at least good in bed?" Robin asked, holding no punches. Nova couldn't help but snicker at her question. "Well I don't know...We haven't had sex yet, all we did was kiss" Nova said, feeling a little embarrassed as the words came out of her mouth. "Seriously? Well what are you waiting for?"

"Oh it's not me, it's him. He wants to wait...He's afraid of messing things up by moving to quickly, I think it's sweet. He's quite the gentleman."

The way Robin snorted on the other end of the line made Nova feel defensive. "Ohh sweetie, I'm sorry but the only two reasons why men in New York say things like that is because A, they have a problem, or B, they are just not that into you...I think you need to tread lightly around this one. I don't mean to upset you but I think you are forgetting who he is. You need to remember he is a celebrity and for guys like that, the market isn't exactly restricted."

Nova blinked and frowned, surprised that Robin would say something like that to her. 

"Gee, supportive much?" Nova said, feeling annoyed. 

"I'm sorry Nova, I don't mean to sound negative but I just don't want to see you get hurt. You're one of my best friends and I love you dearly, I just know guys like this. I've been in the business long enough to see it all. I do hope you end up being the exception to the rule and it works out for you but I just want you to be prepared just in case it doesn't" Robin advised. 

Nova's anger dissipated when she realized that Robin was just trying to look out for her and she was showing that she cared, but her words left her with a bit of skepticism. Could there really be an underlying reason why Q did not want to have sex with her? And if that were the case, what could it be?

"It's OK, I know you're just looking out for me. I just really like him. It's so easy to be around him and we like the same things. I like that he's not afraid to be funny and show me who he really is. I guess what I'm trying to say is I feel the spark."

"Well for your sake, I hope he feels it too, sounds like you are getting in deep" said Robin. 

"It's too soon to tell, but yeah...Maybe" Nova said, feeling a smile appear on her face. 

Before they ended their conversation, Robin told Nova that she would text her the time and day to come to the network to showcase her pictures and they hadn't talked since. 

Now Nova was on her way, dressed to kill and eager to show off what she had been working on for the past two weeks. She had checked through her images so many times to make sure they were perfect that they were starting to appear in her dreams. She really felt like she had something that was impressive and she was praying that the network felt the same way. Not only was her reputation on the line, Robin's was as well. 

She had her computer with her as well as five different flash drives. She put one together with all the pictures that she was going to present to the network and then she made a special flash drive for each of the Jokers with their individual pictures, the group shots, and all the fun ones she took when they were goofing off with all the crew and having a good time. 

The Hot Canary (A Brian Quinn Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora