Part 28: Robin

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5 hours later and Nova was still unable to see Robin. Nova was not on her emergency contact list and she guessed that Robin was still in rough shape from everything so Nova sat out in the lobby and dealt with what she could for Robin, and she was exhausted. 

Not to mention, being in a hospital environment made her a little queasy, considering what she went through a few months ago. 

The doctor came out a few times to ask Nova some basic questions about Robin's history, trying to get an idea of what exactly they were dealing with. Nova did her best to answer all their questions, but she was getting the vibe that she wasn't exactly giving them what they were looking for. They kept asking the same questions about her drug use saying "And are you sure she doesn't have a history?"

As far as Nova knew, she didn't.

 Sure she would dabble in a little bit of pills if she was having pains or do a little cocaine here and there only when she was at parties, but Nova never pegged Robin to be a drug addict. Surely she would have known if she was, being that they lived together. She kept trying to tell them and herself that it was probably an emotional response to her getting fired and not a habit. 

Violet and Heather came up for a little bit to sit with her, but each of them had their jobs to get to and couldn't stay for long. They were one of the first people that Nova called, mostly because she needed support for herself, she was really shaken up when she first arrived.

Nova did manage to get a hold of Robin's parents and told them what happened. They booked their flight immediately and they were suppose to be coming tonight, they arranged everything.  

As bad as it made Nova feel, she kept asking herself what she was doing. She was still furious at Robin for lying and having a hand in her and Q's break up but she couldn't find it in her to just leave. This felt so much bigger than that. She had to make sure Robin was going to be okay and it just wasn't in her to not care. 

Sure she was mad at Robin, but that didn't mean that she wanted to see her die either, she decided to put their issues on the back burner until Robin was back on her feet again. It felt like the right thing to do.

If Robin did this to herself over her depression, then now was definitely not the time to hash it out with her, whether she was right or wrong. Nova didn't know how fragile she would be. 

As Nova was coming back from fetching her third cup of coffee for that day, she got to thinking about her situation. Robin said over the many drunken voicemails she got that Pete fired her from the network. Nova knew it was a big deal to her from how much pressure she was always under but Nova couldn't help but wonder what got her fired in the first place.

From what Q said, she wasn't exactly one of the most liked faces in there, maybe it had something to do with that?

 She wondered if Q knew anything about it.

Nova stepped outside the waiting room of the hospital to get some fresh air and to call Q. It seemed like she had plenty of time on her hands until she could figure out what was what so there was no better time to call him. 

"Hey Nova, what's up?" Q answered coolly. 

"Hey. Well I would love to say nothing much, but to be honest I have been kinda going through hell since I last saw you."

"Yeah? Are you okay?" Q asked out of concern. Nova could hear the sudden alarm in his voi

"Yeah, I'm okay, it's Robin." Nova answered vaguely.

"I'm guessing thing's didn't exactly go well huh?" 

"No...Not exactly...We kinda have a problem" Nova cringed.

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