Part 24: Up Your Ass and to the Left

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Soon enough, Nova's lunch break ended and then it was time to get back to work. Allison wasn't back yet and Nova knew that she wanted her to try her hand out on a video camera so Nova went to grab one of the Go Pro's that were left behind and then went to the table by the main production van that had the assignment cards on it. 

Allison explained to her that each card had the location of where each member of the video team will be positioned and what they will be focusing on. Nova had to sign out a few more of the cameras before she made it to the table and by the time she got there, her card was the only one left and everyone had taken their positions already. 

Nova picked up her card and studied it, trying to decipher exactly where they wanted her stationed. All it said was trash can in section B and under the details section it said focus on potential targets. 

"Hmm" Nova frowned while pursing her lips. She was not familiar with Central Park so she tried to imagine it from a bird's eye view from what she had seen of it so far, to try to figure out exactly where her spot was. Everyone was already either in their places or heading there and there was no one around for her to ask that she wouldn't be interrupting, which she did not feel comfortable doing so yet this early in the game. 

She looked around to see if there was anyone else in sight and then looked down at her card again. "Trash can in section B" She repeated to herself.

 Did they really expect her to hide in a trash can? She knew that she wasn't suppose to be seen considering this was a hidden camera show, but wasn't this a little extreme? Why couldn't they have given her a spot in the bushes or something, or even set her up with a body cam? 

Nova shook her head and decided she wouldn't complain. It was her first day and she wanted to show everyone that she could handle what was given to her, no questions asked. She was hoping that at the very least that it was an empty trash can.

Now if only she could find where said trash can was...

As Nova was scanning around to figure out what direction she should head in, and of all people Sal crossed her path. He looked like he was heading to the cooler to grab a drink. Nova quickly tossed up the idea of asking him for help, figuring it wouldn't bring her any less close to figuring it out that she already was. 

"Hey Sal!" Nova called out to him, not giving herself any more time to dwell on it. He looked over at her in surprise from hearing his name, and then flattened his expression when he saw it was her. He stayed where he was and stared her down as she hustled over to him, making her be the one to go to him. 

"Hey, look I know you don't like me very much but I literally have no one to ask...Do you know where this is?" She asked with pleading eyes, hoping that he could be of some assistance. 

Sal took a look down at her card and studied it for a moment. He looked up and in a serious voice while pointing in a direction he said "Oh yeah, if you go up that pathway and turn right, it's just up your ass and to the left."

Nova's expression dropped into a scowl and Sal couldn't help but laugh at his own joke. "You know, you're a fucking asshole" Nova said harshly and turned on her heel away from him, continuing to hear him laugh at her. 

"Fuck him...I'll find it myself" Nova angrily thought to herself, feeling fired up at his refusal to help her. She knew they weren't exactly friends but she really thought that he would have helped her considering it was for the show, it's not like she was asking to borrow money from him. She was only asking him for directions!

Nova pushed Sal's ignorant behavior out of her mind and trekked over to where she thought section B was. Luckily when she got there, there was only one trash can so she didn't have to guess too hard where her hiding place would be. 

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