Part 1: Pilot

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*Click**Flash**Click**Flash*That was pretty much the sum of Nova Brady's life. A series of clicks and flashes, getting her through her day job.

Hey, at least she liked what she did. Working for an outlet magazine for a cheap knock off of In Home and Garden as a photographer in New York City wasn't a terrible gig. Granted it wasn't the bees knees kinda work for an aspiring photographer such as herself, but it was a stepping stone.

Yes, a huge, slippery, sinking stepping stone that she hoped would some day take her to the next level before it buried her in the mud, or she slipped off it completely.
The one thing that Nova wanted out of life was to be a successful photographer, one who maybe someday, wouldn't be limited to over-priced stuffy furniture for subjects and maybe, just maybe another avenue would see her as more than an outlet photographer.

That was her whole reason for coming to the Big Apple, the place where it was all at. The land of opportunity.

To break free from her mundane job in the south as a school photographer. It was the hardest thing she had ever done, to be stripped bare and throw herself to the clutches of the biggest city. She missed her family more than anything and it still killed her to leave them, but she felt that it was the only way to save herself from becoming just another no name photographer who was just as thirsty for Instagram followers as a lab rat in search of a piece of cheese.

She had lived in Florida all her life and loved it. That was her home. That was where she was familiar with. Nova could tell you where the best place was to get sushi, or what was the nicest beach to visit that wasn't clustered with tourists. She knew what roads to take to get you to where you were going the quickest, or the roads that would give you the more scenic route when you just needed to stop and smell the roses.

 It was a place she never thought she would end up leaving, until her dreams became the loudest voice in her head.

No matter how hard she tried, Nova just couldn't make it in Florida. Not the way she wanted to. Sure there was a few photography jobs where she lived, but not the ones that she wanted. She worked for a small school photography company and one day she just woke up and realized she wanted more out of life. She had this deep feeling running through her that she was destined for greater things and the only way to to get off of this merry-go-round that she found herself trapped on was to jump off. No matter how much it would hurt.

She had to break the wheel, to take the biggest risk that she had ever taken. She had to leave Florida and go somewhere there was more opportunity. A place where she had more of a chance of granting her own wishes and starting the biggest adventure she could have imagined. New York City.

Now even though she missed her family dearly, she didn't feel she was leaving a whole lot behind. After a few failed relationships, all she really had were both of her parents and her brother, who was now married. They gave her every speech they had to talk her out of moving. It was one of the hardest things she ever had to go through, making such a huge life change with their disapproval weighing her down.

Nova was the kind of person where once she made up her mind, that was it. Her family knew that and after countless attempts to get her to stay, they knew they had to let her go to live her life. Even though they all knew she would do great, it was still a hard loss on her little family. Even though she spoke to her mother a few times throughout the week, it was still never the same on both ends.

The Hot Canary (A Brian Quinn Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang