Part 5: Is It Worth It?

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"Hey, so how did it go?" Robin asked after Nova answered her phone. "It went great! I really think I nailed it, I just got home, I was gonna start working on the editing process" Nova reported. 

"Ohh great, glad to hear! Did Pete come up and talk to you at all?" Robin asked. "Yeah, he came up for a little while but he didn't say much to me, I think he just wanted to observe what was going on, A lot of the crew came into join us, it was fun! Thank you again so much for giving me this opportunity, I really really appreciate it and I think I will be more likely to get more gigs in the future now that I have this on my resume." Nova said as she began to put her bag down and got into comfortable clothes. 

"What can I say, that's what friends are for" Robin said with lightness in her voice. "So, you and that Q guy seemed like you were enjoying yourselves when I walked in...What was going on there?" Robin asked in curiosity. Nova couldn't help the smile that spread on her face. 

"Ohh, nothing I guess...Well not completely nothing...He kinda asked me out..." Nova said, feeling excited to be able to tell someone about what happened. She then began to give Robin all the details on how she was able to get him to smile, him driving her home, and how he asked her. 

"Ohh...Wow, that's interesting..." Robin responded, showing an odd hesitation. "What?" Nova asked, picking up on the tone in her voice. "Nothing...I just didn't think Q would be the one to sweep you off your feet...Fair warning, I would tread lightly around him, he has a bit of an....Extensive past..."

Nova drew her head back in surprise as her giddy smile was wiped clean off of her face. "Care to elaborate?" She asked, wanting to know the details. Granted she didn't know much about him other than those few clips she saw of the show, but she couldn't help the feeling of wonder. Maybe it would be a good idea to know exactly what she was getting into. 

Robin paused for a moment and said "Maybe it will be easier if I just show you, by any chance are you next to your computer?"

"Yeah, I'll boot it up right now" Nova said, grabbing her laptop and climbing on top of her bed. "OK, I'm gonna send you a few things, you have to promise me you won't show anyone though, this is confidential."

"Yeah sure, you know I won't" Nova said, her interest now really peaking. About five minutes later, Nova's inbox pinged, alerting her that Robin's email came through. She opened it up and after scrolling through a few things she gasped. 

"How the hell did you get all this?" Nova asked, stunned at what she was seeing. "I'm their publicist, it's my job to know all of this so I know how to deflect it if the press ever brings it up to try to use it against them" Robin replied.

Nova kept scrolling through, shaking her head. 

In that email that Robin sent, there was clip after clip after clip of cellphone footage from passer by's recording them. In every single one of them, Brian was drunk and belligerent. He was slurring his words and drooling and hanging all over what ever poor girl just happened to be next to him at the time. 

Nova shut her computer, unable to watch anymore. "How has this not gotten out?" Nova breathed out, still in shock from everything she had just seen.  There was no way in hell that the guy in those videos was the same guy that just drove her home and was so sweet to her. There was definitely some darkness there that she didn't notice before. 

"The network had to track down all those people and pay them out so they wouldn't post anything to social media, they had them sign documents and hand over the footage, that's why his slate looks so clean" Robin explained. 

Nova was speechless. Speechless, and disappointed.

 Figures, one of the few guys in New York who she actually wanted to talk to was a total drunk behind the scenes and a man whore. She felt like a fool for gushing to Robin on how wonderful he was. 

The Hot Canary (A Brian Quinn Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora