Every Life Matters

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Every Life matters from the smallest creature to a giant.

Every Life matters every second and moment.

Every Life matters even the universe and the galaxy agrees.

Every Life matters where each life glows a silver soul.

Every Life matters once it has a heartbeat.

Every Life is a precious seedling.

Every Life matters, even the grass grows green and the flowers bloom.

Every Life matters on this Earth.

So take a moment, search for your heartbeat.
Once you found it, that is purpose.
A reason for living.

So don't think that one life doesn't matter.
Your wrong, because it does.
Every Life matters indeed.

Every Life matter doesn't matter what skin color you have, your weight size, and if you big or small.Because every Life matter no matter what.We should learn that and consider it more often.Discrimination shouldn't happen, because every life matters.
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