The Cycle of Beginning

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The cycle of beginning to end begins each day 

And on,on,on it goes the story that once was told 

Lays differently in victory on its path's way 

And slowly soons unfolds 

A domino effect 

That clearly affects 

The paths and choices of today 

Changes the future and tomorrow's gray 

The sorrow that once was held turns to a joyful tune 

As you meet your creator in faithfulness 

And beginning at noon the clock strikes a melodious tune 

You bow down to your creator and filled with a feeling of blessedness 

 The angels shout and cry in joyful meaningness 

And aloud the joyful noises ring sharply throughout the heavens 

 Your soul has reach full happiness 

And seven time many plus many elevens 

The cycle of beginning to end begins each day

 Lays differently in victory on its path's way

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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