Louis looked up thoughtfully, "Well, he's not dangerous for starters. He's cool to talk to, he's been really helpful around here, and he's not mean; for the most part."

"But . . . how do you feel . . . when he's around Violet . . .?"

He started to frowned his eyebrows knitting, "Honestly, when he first came here, I really thought he might end hurting her some way," he then smirked, "now, I see that the two are really best friends. I noticed she opens up more to him and that he makes her happy; something she barely is. I believe he really brightens up her day."

"I guess . . ."

Louis touched her shoulder squeezing it gently, "Hey, he's proved he's nothing like Damien, okay?"

"You think so?"

"I know so," he glared down, "we should've never let that bastard go after what he did to Violet; she deserves better."

Clem looked at him and smiled, "It's a good thing she has Blossom, I think I've never seen her any happier."

"And Moo," he added.

"Right . . ."

Louis's face brightened as an idea popped up, "Ooh! How about you two get to know each other better by going hunting in the morning."

She cocked her head, "What are you talking about?"

"Ya'know, to break some ice between you two, it'll be great."

Clem down at such an idea. Alone with him? She would never think in a million years, sure the two did have quite a rocky encounter with each other, but would being alone together be such a good thing for them to get along better?

But he was Violet's friend, if everyone else trusted him then she should too. Not only would she do it for Violet, but she would also do it for herself too.

She took a deep breath swallowing her pride, "Alright, you win, I'll meet with him in the morning."

He smiled placing a kiss on her lips wrapping his arm around her waist, "Thanks, Clem, try not to kill each by the way."

She chuckled weakly, "We'll do our best."

Early that next morning Louis looked for Moo with Clem following behind, he had asked Storm where he was, but she said he hasn't come to bed all that night. Strange. When two went out to go search outside they found him smoking a cigar by the gates with his wolf sitting beside him. Louis was happy that he was already out here not having to wake him up. As he walked up to him Clem hesitantly followed behind.

"Hey, Moo," Louis chirped making Moo stop what he was doing, "I gotta job for you."

Without turning around Moo spoke, "What is it?"

"You're going hunting today with Clemmy here," he stepped aside to let Clem by.

As she walked up to him she could feel his coldness even more. He slowly turned her way looking at her with that only eye he had. He looked at her blankly for a moment before he smirked at her.

"Alright," he inhaled his cigar again turning away to blow it out, "I was in the mood to kill something anyway."

H-he meant hunting, right . . .?

She turned to Louis with a look of unsureness as he went on to grab her hand squeezing it reassuringly, "You'll be fine, Clem, trust me." He kissed her on her plump lips sliding his hand down her cheek.

She gave him a loving smile, "We'll be back soon, take care of the AJ and the kids."

"Alrighty, captain," he gave her one last kiss on her cheek before trotting off back to the dorms, "I'll see you soon, my darling."

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