Real Relationship

Start from the beginning

She looked him straight in the eyes with a fiery glint, "That doesn't matter now, does it? Because I will look high and low for any more of you bastards whether you're the worst or the best."

Catalina then dragged the man away the soldier straightening up to stand his knees. She pointed the gun to the back of his head making sure to dig deep into his hair to get to the scalp.

Before she could pull the trigger he turned to her pale as snow looking up at her with pleading eyes.

"You can't do this."

She raised a brow, "Why not?"

He gulped, "If you kill me then I won't be able to take care of my kids. Miguel will throw them out with me gone and they can't fend for themselves."

"Is that so?"

He nodded rapidly, "Please, I beg of you. He thinks they're leaches to our resources but they're just so damn young."

Ashley ran up to the two with his mother turning to him glaring daggers. He looked into the man's frightened eyes and frowned. Ashley could tell her didn't like working for this man, he was just probably desperate and wanted to find somewhere for his children to survive.

Unfortunately, Miguel wasn't the one for hospitality. He always wanted something in return. . .

"We really don't have to do this," Ashley tried to reason, "we can't keep him as a prisoner, you know, less bloodshed for everyone."

"Stay out of this," she growled making him shrank, "I don't give a damn about your sob story, your people took my fucking sister away!"

"Mom, he didn't do it, Miguel did!!"

But she didn't listen; she never listened.

"I will get rid of everything last one of you pieces of shit if I have to myself!!"


It was already too late. The man fell to the ground as blood flowed from the back and front of the bullet wound with brain matter surrounding the head. Catalina stepped away with blood and brain matter covering her clothes. She sighed before looking up at Ashley looked up at her red with fury.

"We could've held him, prisoner," he growled lowly, "but you chose to murder instead!!"

"I did what I had to do," she hissed back, "and if I had to kill them so fucking be it."

"But. . .but what about what he said. . ."

"He was trying to play with our heads,  Ash! He wanted the cowardly way out, why won't you wake up?!"

"Why won't you wake up?! Don't you see what you're doing? Killing people you think are traitors, yesterday you killed a woman for even mentioning Miguel!"

"Well, she was talking about him a lot."

"Mom, why won't you think, is this really something Aunt Mary would do?"

She narrowed her eyes, "Mary's not here; I am! And will make sure that I—"

"Ma'am, ma'am!" someone cried running out the gates getting Catalina's attention, "it's Victoria, she's gone!"

Catalina widened her eyes in disbelief, "What? When?!"

"I went to her house, but her cart was gone so I knocked on the door, went inside even, and she's nowhere to be seen."

Catalina shook her head, she knew she let Coyote and Cobra go to Matthew but they never said anything about Victoria coming along.

Unless. . .

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