Clem sighed, "Alright we'll talk inside."

She turned to glare at Moo as he glared back, "But he stays behind."

"But Clem, he's my best friend, he helped me get supplies," Violet protested, "and... I actually need to talk to you too."

Louis chuckled nervously, "Um, Vi... we don't just meet scary strangers that you've only known for a few days and call them you're 'best friend'."

"No, you idiot, a childhood best friend."

Clem raised a brow, "You're best friend was... him?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Never mind, we'll deal this back inside, we'll still just keep a close eye on him for now."

Moo just glared more intently at the brunette as him and Storm pulled up through the gates.
"Did he hurt you?" Clem asked frantically, "Try anything?"

"I said I'm fine, Clem," Violet groaned wanting to get out of this room to go see Blossom.

"Vi, he looks ten times scarier than . . . him, and... bigger."

"Well, he's not the person you guys think he is."

"How do you even know if that he's you're best friend or not? He could be faking!"

Violet couldn't help but roll her eyes at this accusation, "I'm pretty sure I know what my only childhood best friend looks like, besides he recognized me first."

"Okay, you might've got me there, but people change, Vi, what if he does try to hurt you?"

"He would never try to do anything like that, Clem!" Violet hissed angrily, "He cares about me too much."

Shit those were the wrong choice of words.

"How do you know he's not manipulating you?"

"Still, wouldn't do that."

Clem sighed, "Whatever, what did you wanna talk to me about again?"

"Um... if he could... stay here for, um... while?"

She widened her eyes in disbelief, "Why?!!"

"Look, Clem, it's been forever since we've seen each other, we just wanna catch up, he'll even help out."

"Violet, you don't get I don't feel safe with him being around you," she shook her head looking away.

"C'mon, Clem, he brought me back unharmed and helped to get supplies for us, it's the least you can do."

She sighed heavily, "Fine, but he leaves when I say so, and I don't want him near you at night."

Violet smiled and hugged her in return, "Thank you, thank you! You don't know how this means to me!"

Clem smiled back, "If this makes you happy, Vi, then I won't take this away from you. But promise me something."


"Promise me that you won't ever let him hurt you, ever."

"I promise."

While everyone else was sitting down at one of the picnic tables talking to the other kids, Moo sat alone wrapping Snowy's paw up. He was glad it wasn't a major wound.

He soon saw the same brunette coming towards him. He believed her name was Clementine if he wasn't mistaken. He didn't know why she was so hostile towards him when he was with Violet, but whatever it was, he didn't like it.

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