Celebrity Status Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Jin: <Just go with it. Influence and whatnot.>

You laughed a bit awkwardly. Might as well enjoy this.
Gwen: Do you want any popcorn?

Kamala: I'm all good.

Gwen sat next to her and looked at what Kamala was watching. The girls had decided to have a movie night so everyone was in the living room while Kamala was looking at her phone.

Gwen: Really? You and your K-Pop Alert.

Kamala was going to retort until she saw who was currently on.

Kamala: Oh! 4L1T!

Gwen peeked over her shoulder just as Viv walked in with a bottle soda. Soon everyone was looking at the screen.

Viv: I have retrived the drink you had asked for Gwen.

She looked at the phone screen and the three girls watched as you suddenly appeared on screen with the girls. There was a loud pop and the girls all turned to see that Viv had squeezed the bottle until it exploded.
You ended up in a trendy cafe with the girls for a quick snack. You felt like an actual celebrity which was beyond weird. Seriously. Why didn't you do this sooner? Oh yeah. Because you didn't want to get a big head.

Y/N: <This place is amazing. Really neat looking to.>

Jin: <Seol loves it here. She always has to come in disguse.>

You laughed a bit.

Y/N: <Super Hero disguse?>

Seol giggled.

Seol: <Super Hero disguse.>

You both shared a knowing laugh. That stupid hat and glasses combo worked way better than it should.

Min: <So what was the strongest bad guy you had to fight?>

Hae: <Min!>

You shook your head.

Y/N: <It's fine. My strongest enemy was actually myself.>

They looked at you confused.

Seol: <Like in a metaphorical sense?>

You shook your head.

Y/N: <As in I went to a alternate future where I was an evil tyrant and killed most of my friends sense.>

Their eyes grew wide and they seemed to be trying to see if you were joking. No point in lying about it.

Jin: <That sounds, rough. Was it scary?>

You shrugged.

Y/N: <When you get into a fight like that, you're mind doesn't have time to think about that stuff. I'm sure it was terrifying.>

Seol placed a hand on your shoulder comfortably. You offered a smile and nodded as a thanks.

Min: <Oh! It's Kae! I'm going to go say hi.>

Jin: <I'll go with you. I haven't seen her since the academy.>

The two girls ran off and Hae sighed.

Hae: <I should go make sure they don't cause a scene. Again.>

She stood up and followed her friends which left you and Seol alone.

Seol: Those girls. You don't mind if we switch to English do you?

Y/N: I prefer it.

Seol smiled sweetly before looking around. You peeked out the window and saw that the people were still taking photos of you.

Seol: You really are quite popular.

Y/N: Do I have my own plusie?

Seol: You do. Min has one as a matter of fact. She keeps it on her bed. It's adorable.

You blushed at the thought.

Y/N: Then, I might have to buy one. Novelty reasons.

Seol rolled her eyes.

Seol: Sure.

You both startes to laugh together.
Kitty: That totally looks like a date.

Katie: The nerve of that bastard! He's single for three months and suddenly he's dating pop stars?!

Riri: Uh, three months seems long enough to be able to move on.

Cindy: Careful what you say. Others would disagree.

They all looked over to Viv who was staring off into space a few feet away.

Gwen: I wonder how the others are taking this.
At the Strikers HQ,

Felicia was calming sipping her tea while Doreen was tearing apart her room.

Tyrone: You're ok with this?

Felicia: No. But my father raised me to be a lady. And a lady resists the urge to fly down to South Korea and TEAR HIS DAMN THROAT OUT!
You sneezed and looked around.

Seol: Are you ok?

Y/N: I, I think someone was talking about me.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now