
Just when I was getting comfortable being with Alaric, he revealed something that had my anxiety spiralling into a dark cloud.

Alaric had woken me one morning, gently stroking my cheek. I had barely felt his touch as it was so light. My eyes fluttered open, and I blinked the sleep away. Alaric was sat at the edge of the bed, next to me. He was fully dressed in a dark suit, with a tie and cufflinks. His hair styled neatly, as well as that he had trimmed his bead slightly.

"Good morning love," he smiled but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Morning," I replied groggily, turning onto my side. "What time is it?"

"It's early," he answered. I turned my head and saw that it was five in the morning. Why was he awake so early? Usually, Alaric wasn't up until seven and he would normally let me sleep in.

Before I could ask why he was awake at this ungodly hour, he said four words that made me frown.

"I have to go."

"Okay, that's fine," I replied normally, trying to get comfy again in the covers. "I'll see you later."

"No, Valerie I mean that I have to go out of Regnum."

I sat up abruptly, the covers falling off me.

"Go?" I frowned. "Where?"

"I have some business to attend to, it shouldn't take more than a day," he said in a tight voice, running his hand through his hair. "I'll be back tomorrow."

"You're leaving," I stated, processing what he had said.

He nodded his head, and with a heavy breath, he exhaled sharply.

"I don't want to, but I have to go," he said sincerely. His deep brown eyes held concern and regret... why did he have to go? My mind raced and the first thing that came to my head was... vampires. After all, he was the only werewolf in history to end the war between Vampires and Werewolves. Now, in five hundred years a vampire had been sighted and there had to be an explanation.

"Is this because of what happened at the mall? Because of that vampire?" I wondered out loud, pushing the covers further off me.

Alaric didn't reply and that only confirmed my suspicions. I sighed heavily, pushing back my messy bed hair.

"C-can I come with you?" I asked Alaric.

I watched the anger flashed on Alaric's face for a few seconds, his eyes turning dark. I already knew the answer to that.

"No, you can't! Elijah will be coming with me." He said firmly. "You're safer here in Regnum."

I shook my head at his words. To some extent, he was right but wasn't it safer if he was with me.

"I know what you're thinking Valerie and I promise you'll be safe here," Alaric said, taking my hand and holding it in his large one. "I'm leaving Adam in charge and Dean will be here soon."

I wanted to beg him to not leave me, but who was I to stop the demon Alpha from doing what he wanted. Who was I to stop him from going away for a day?

"When are you leaving?" I whispered, looking down at our entwined hands.

"In half an hour."

I breathed in, my stomach clenching in unease. I only had less than thirty minutes with Alaric, but yet he must have known that he would be going for a while. I didn't want to ask him how long he had known for, that would be wasting time. It was clearly none of my business, and he had decided to not tell me anything, in order to protect me... but protect me from what exactly?

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