"You must be her nephew. I heard her cussing at you on the phone." He said, walking towards Ronan to check on him. Ronan looked at the man.

"You're Theo." He stated. Theo nodded.

"At your service. What the hell happened? You aunt said that you were fine when I last talked to her."

"He was gonna hurt people. He's hurt enough as it is. I just wanted to protect them." He explained.  Theo check Ronan's face and shook his head.

"He did a number on you. I'll call your aunt. I got a cabin here where we can stay at until your aunt comes." Theo explained. Ronan nodded weakly. Theo helped Ronan off the ground and picked him up, putting Ronan on his back. Theo started walking into the woods.

"Get some rest. You need it, kid." Theo suggested. Ronan drifted to sleep.

Breathing. Heavy breathing. Ronan looked around the dark room. In front of him was Dray.

"Who did this to you.."he demanded.

"I told you to stop this!" Ronan yelled. Dray grabbed Ronan by the shoulder and his eyes turned a golden yellow.

"Who. The. Fuck. Did. This. To. You?!" He said as anger filled his voice. Ronan turned away from Dray.

"He's dead so it doesn't matter anyway." Dray pulled Ronan's face back to him slowly, getting a good look at him. Ronan observed Dray as well. Bloodied gashes covering him.

"What happened to you Marcus.." Ronan asked.

"Doesn't matter about me. I'm just glad you're safe." Dray said petting Ronan. He gave the boy a sad look. Ronan relaxed his head into Dray's hand.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a werewolf?" Ronan bitterly said. Dray closed his eyes.

"How do you know?" He asked. Ronan shook his head.

"That isn't the question. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't. A lot was going on. I wanted to, I honestly did. I never had the time or the words." Ronan stared at the boy. He pulled Dray in holding him tightly.

"You don't have to hide from me." Ronan whispered to him. Dray opened his eyes and stared at Ronan.

Dray moved close and kissed Ronan passionately. Ronan returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around Dray's neck. Dray got more passionate with the kiss and Ronan moaned. Dray pulled Ronan on top of him, not breaking the kiss. Ronan straddled the guy and moaned as Dray ran his hands up his shirt. Ronan pulled away from the kiss and looked at Dray, red tinted covering his face.

"Wait for me, Alistair. I've waited so long for you. Just please wait for me." Dray begged. Ronan petted the other's cheek.

"I'll wait. Just give me time. I'm not as strong as I need to be. I'll be moving again. Don't try to find me." Ronan begged.

"I cant promise that. Even if I break off from my father's pack, I will find you." Dray promised .

Ronan woke up in a strange bed, woozy. He looked around to see he wasnt in the woods anymore.

"Ah finally! You're awake!" Theo cheered as he place a cup in front of him. Ronan stared at the cup.

"You have any smokes?" Ronan asked. He had stopped for a while but stress got to him again. Theo shook his head.

"Not on me. Smokes are bad for people like me." He stated. Ronan tilted his head.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh dear boy. I'm a vampire." Theo said calmly. Ronan gave the man a confused look.  Theo chuckled.

"Yes I'm a vampire and I can be out in the day. That's just a damn myth. Were just like normal people just a little more enchanted."

"Do you really survive off of human blood?" Ronan asked.

"Either by blood banks or donations. We don't kill unless threatened. I had to teach my prodige that the hard way." He said sitting down on the end the bed.

"I need to call my aunt. She must be worried." Ronan stated, trying to get up but grips his stomach.

"You have no strength to move. Your body was beaten badly and I had to stitch your gash on your face. I've already called her. She will be in her way and be here in a couple of days. It also sounded like the new pup taking over was upset too."

"I told my aunt I had a plan. I lied to her. I wanted to get away that way no one else would get hurt." Ronan explained. Theo nodded.

"I see. You're brave for that. Going through what that man did to you just to protect someone you care about. I was wondering why Jen didn't attack him." Theo added.

"I didn't want her too. If she would've attacked, his army would've attacked." Ronan stated.  Ronan closed his eyes. He wanted to forget the past couple days. Theo stared at the boy.

"Something else going on?" He asked. Ronan shook his head. He didn't want have to explain Dray to a stranger. He heard Theo's phone go off.

"Just a second kid. Hello?" He answered. Theo walked out of the room talking to the other person in the line. Ronan stared at the wall. Just as he was about to lay back down, he froze.

"So you got away again Alistair. Impressive. But you cant hide forever. I know your every step, every move. Jackson was just a pawn in this grand scheme. Just you wait." A voice informed him.

Ronan looked into darkness and seen a tall man, hair black as a raven and eyes white and soulless. He grinned an evil grin and walked towards him. Talons protruding from him hands and grabbing Ronan's face.

"I can't wait to have your head on a platter Alistair. I want to devour you in front of that boy and your friends. I cant wait to see their reactions." He said with malice in his voice.

Ronan started screaming. Theo ran into the bedroom, seeing Ronan thrashing in the air, along with every item in the room. Theo's eyes widen.

"Kid snap out of it!" He yelled.

"Make him stop! MAKE HIM STOP!" Ronan screamed distortedly, eyes glowing white. Theo ran to the boy and held him down.

"No one is here! Calm down!" Theo yelled. Ronan looked at Theo and pushed him, tossing the vampire against the wall, knocking him out. Ronan dropped to the ground, panting heavily. His eyes stopped glowing and went back to the chocolate brown.

He looked around to see what he had done. Ronan went to Theo and checked on him.

"Just knocked out." He stood up and clenched his fist. He punch the wall as hard as he can.

"I cant do this anymore." Ronan said, looking down at his hands. He exited the room, going to the kitchen. He went through every drawer until he found the knives. He pulled out the sharpest one he could find.

Ronan went to the bathroom and locked the door. He ran the bath tub, water ice cold. He got undressed, staying in his underwear. He was looking at the bandages and deep cuts on his skin. Ronan trailed his fingers over each bandage and cringed at the touch.

He stopped the water and got in, holding the knife close to his chest. He slowly had tears come out of his eyes.

"I cant do this anymore...I'm sorry." He whispered to himself. Slowly, he took the knife and ran it across his wrist. Blood touching the water, rushing from his body. He cried harder and did the other wrist. He held his arms at the edge of the tub, looking at the ceiling.

"I love you mom, Freya, aunt Jen. Thank you for all that you have done for me. I'm sorry Jared and Judas. I'm sorry Marcus. I couldn't do it anymore. I'm that weak." He said, slowly loosing his vision. Everything started to get blurry. Ronan got really tired. He wanted to close his eyes. He closed his eyes and everything went dark.

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