I'll get through these chains

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He had to make sure she was mentally doing okay, but that was it.

Nat shared a look with Wanda.

"Bucky, I know this isn't the best time for this, but there are some things we wanted to run by you." Nat announced, moving closer to you and him from her own seat that was next to Bucky's, "It's about your prenup and will with Ash. Me and Wanda might be able to help you with it."

Bucky sighed as he played with his fingers - picking at them. A few long seconds pass.

"As much I would love to hear it, I'm just not in the best mindset right now. I want to focus one thing at a time, I-" he took a deep breath, "I just lost my baby girl, I can't think about anything else right now."

"I'm sorry, it was tactless." Nat responded quickly, "We'll discuss it some other time."

"Thanks for being here," Bucky looked over at Nat and Wanda, "Really."

Both girls gave him a sympathetic smile. A few minutes after much needed comfortable silence, Bucky announced that he was going to head back to Ashlyn's room for a bit.

When he was gone and out of earshot, Nat looked over at you.

You sat, exhausted, on the too-hard hospital chair. It was a chair that had spent many years holding the weight of lucky and unlucky ones, awaiting news. It was uncomfortable.

Your legs were tucked underneath you, your head laying on the wall next to you.

"How are you doing?" Natasha asked.

You shrugged.

You wanted to come off like you were okay, but secretly inside, you were broken and tired.

"She'll be okay." She assured you.

You shook your head, looking down at your hands.

"It's not even just that anymore either. It's him. I hope he'll be okay, too." You confessed.

You moved to pick at the little coffee table that was next to your chair.

You traced the wood with you finger.

If you were quiet enough, you could hear the distant sound of more heart monitors.

You didn't like it very much.

"I still don't know what I'm going to say to her."

"Just be honest." Wanda answered.

She was right. But you were scared of being honest with your sister. The truth wasn't necessarily the prettiest in this situation.

"Yeah." You say.

"Look, I'm gonna go home. I still need to go to work today, but I promise I'll be back later this afternoon to say hi and check up on you guys." Nat announced as she stood up.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna go, too." Wanda agreed as she also stood up from her own seat.

You smiled softly, "Thanks for being here."

"Of course, sweetie." Nat says.

Nat is about to walk away when you grab her hand. She turns to look at you a bit confused.

"Thanks for your change of heart. I knew you weren't always supportive of me and him, but it means the world to me that you are trying to help out." You say.

"A lot has changed the last few years. Especially Ashlyn. I wouldn't want to stand in the way of true love. You and Bucky? You're it." Nat responds.

You appreciate her words, but you're still left thinking if all this hurt was worth it.

Take It Back - Bucky x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu