"Fine." He answered.

Few minutes were quite, he didn't talked after his answer. I am standing beside him awkwardly while him... He stands like we are still together! I sighed. I saw our reflection on the metal Elevator door. His height increase, his body becomes more fit and muscular that made him look handsome and hot even more. But sorry I have already moved on, I treat him now as a friend.

As we reached the fourth floor, he turns to the side to face me. Looking at me again from head to toe. He goes out of the Elevator when we reached the fifth floor. I thought he would walk away straightly but no. The door start to close slowly, despite of that I can still see him.

The side of his lips rose up into a smirk, looking at My whole body for the last time. "You've changed a lot, Love." He winked. "By the way nice body you have, see you again My Lisa." The door shut closed. Leaving me hanging in the air.

What the actual fuck?! So that's why he was staring at me all the time?! He was observing my god damn body! Fucking pervert! Love?! My Lisa?! The hell with you, fuck yourself cheater!

Ugh! Jungkook help me to calm down my anger at him are now coming back. But I still convince Myself not to let the devil come out 'cause I have already forgiven him. So I open my phone again to look how hot Jungkook was. It was delicious oh sorry it was calming rather. Seeing his face and whole appearance really calms down my whole system. That was the power he holds, it was too strong that can tamed a lot of people.

Aish, when will I ever gonna meet you My Kookie?...

The lift rings, signaling that I am already on the right floor. I took a deep breath before going outside of the Elevator. Putting back my sweet and genuine smile on my face. I knock on the door three times before opening it slowly, peeping my head a little.

"Oh hey, Lalice! Goodmorning come in." It was Yoona unnie, I open the door more to let myself go inside. I bow down at Taeyeon and Yuri unnie who are also there.

"Goodmorning, unnies!" I smiled widely while showing them the cake box.

"Woah! Daebak!" Taeyeon unnie clapped her hands in excitement.

"This was supposedly for Yoona unnie, but since my two other unnie's are here too you can all eat this! But I'm sorry I only bought one smoothie for Yoona unnie." I shyly looked down.

Yuri unnie chuckled. "Yah it's alright, Lisa. Cake is enough for us, give that to your Yoona unnie so she will get fat hahaha!" Yuri unnie joked making me smile in relief.

"Hmmm seems like you need something on me, Lalice?" Yoona unnie raise her one eyebrow on me. I sighed. She really knows me, Lol.

"Uh yeah..." I scratch the back of my neck.

"Don't you dare talk privately! Let Me and Yuri hear it. Go ahead, Lisa. What do you need on Yoona?" Taeyeon unnie asked giving me her scary glare making sure that I will let them hear all of my plans.

"Yoona unnie..." I called. She hummed in response because the three of them are busy getting a slice of cake. "Uh... I-i just w-want to ask y-you if... If..." I can't continue I am too embarrassed to asked for it.

"If what?" She asked, sipping on her caramel smoothie with a plate of sliced cake on her other hand.

I inhaled and exhaled. "I just want to ask some favor to you unnie if you could be My Brother's Secretary." I smiled awkwardly.

*cough* *cough*

I start to get panicked when the three of them choke. I don't know who to caress it's back and give some water first!

"What?!" Yoona unnie yelled in shocked. Looking at me while rubbing her chest and throat.

"Your Brother? Minho?" Taeyeon unnie asked as she recovered. I nodded at her cutely.

"Really?! Wow! Take it Yoona the chance is rare!" Yuri unnie teased, making Taeyeon unnie laughed. In which I got confused. Huh?

"Hell no! I am too busy--"

"Nooooo! Please unnie, I won't be able to reach my dreams if you won't agree. So please unnie, can you do it for me? Jebal..." I pleaded, giving her my famous teary eye.

She sighed. "I will think about it." Yoona unnie said. Taeyeon and Yuri unnie secretly gave me a thumbs up with a grinned. Lol, spotted some new shippers here.

"Hey Lisa... Don't cry..." Taeyeon unnie walk towards me, rubbing my back gently.

"Yoona what did you do?! You made Lisa cry! Awww our poor dongsaeng..." Yuri unnie walk towards me too. Covering me from Yoona unnie's sight.

"Okay! Okay, Fine! I am agreeing on being his secretary!" She said with full of guilt, it made the three of us smile.

"Yes!" We three shouted it made Yoona unnie eyes widened. "Yow Bro! Did you hear it? It's all done huh! I have to go now Bambam is already at the airport!" I said, ending the phone call.

Taeyeon and Yuri unnie can't stop laughing now. "You three! How dare you made fun of me--" Yoona unnie was cut off when the door opens wide. Revealing My Brother.

Wow! He is fast like hell when it really comes to Yoona unnie! Aigoo...

"Seems like we need to bring you to the Airport, Lisa." Yuri unnie winked at me, in which I get it.

"Yeah, let's go! Enjoy talking! Thank you so much Yoona unnie! Love you both, mwah!" I laughed, tapping My Brother's back before we leave the both of them alone.

~ Anndeukie

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