I got time while she got freedom.

Start from the beginning

You signed the names appropriate on both cups before walking over to the small counter.

"I have a Sean and a Cindy?" You said loudly as your eyes scanned the crowd. You watched as people shimmied around and then two individuals passed in through the crowd to where you were standing. A tall blonde and a tall brunette took their drinks and thanked you before heading back over to the window to admire the storm.

You looked over at Katie and smiled sadly as she clenched and unclenched her hand while a customer prepared to give her another order.

"Katie, it's okay I'll take over the front. You can work station one."

The thankful brown eyes she gave you were sincere.

"Thanks, Y/N."

You let her pass you before you spun back around to take the order. A little boy stood in front of you, his hands gripping onto the counter.

A warmth filled your heart as you leaned down to rest your chin on your hand until you were eye level with him.

"And what can I get ya?"

"Hiya, I want a chocolate cookie, please."

You frowned playfully.

"You sure that's all you want?"

He nodded simply with a shy glance at you.

You smiled sweetly as you bent down to grab a wax tissue paper and then a cookie that was still warm. You knew that when he bit into it that the chocolate would still be melted and yummy. You put it in the little white paper bag and handed it to him.

You looked up at his mom that was standing right behind him, her hands on his tiny shoulders.

She smiled at you.

"That's all for us. We're just warming up a bit." She motioned slightly with her head towards the street.

"Not a problem." You told the nice lady the price of the cookie and she paid you.

The little boy dropped a dollar bill into the tip jar as he walked away, practically inhaling the cookie into his mouth. You thanked him enthusiastically and you smiled wide at him.

He smiled back - well as much as he could with a mouth full of a cookie crumbles.

You raised your head back up to ring up your next customer when you saw the last thing you were expecting.

Your breath seemed to have caught in your throat and a sense of fear entered your heart. You were caught off guard and not prepared in any way.

The eyes that looked back at you were questioning at first, a hint of surprise and a tickle of sadness in them.

You swallow nervously, involuntarily backing away a little from the register.

He wasn't supposed to find you, granted none of them were.

You had escaped, you had run away.

You should have felt horrified and like you had failed, but with him standing in front of you right now the way he was, you didn't realize how much you actually needed it.

You cursed yourself.

You should've known that Brooklyn wasn't far enough if anything it was a lot closer to Manhattan than your old home. But you had grown a liking to the city and you wanted to be as close as you could afford and without having to live anywhere near them.

The part of Brooklyn that you liked was still pricey, but you had settled on a small studio with a small balcony and a bathroom that almost never had running hot water. Sometimes you would have to wait a day or two just to have enough for a long enough shower. On normal days you would have to settle for lukewarm.

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