"Zeek has about 3 free punches stocked up against Salem," Lucas explained, "They keep track of who punched who unprovoked." 

Ryan shook his head softly, "Weirdos."

"He deserves it," Zeek said, "Not like I can hit that hard."

"You would if you fucking ate," Braxton replied. Zeek nodded in agreement, which Braxton just sighed at. Braxton walked over to the coffee pot and set it up, knowing that Salem would want some as soon as he woke up.

Lucas smiled, "There we go, now Salem will get up."

"He'll probably smell it and walk in here," Braxton replied. 

"Who will smell what?" Shawn asked as he walked into the kitchen to see who was up.

"Salem will smell the coffee," Lucas replied. 

Shawn nodded, "Sounds accurate." He rotated his shoulder some, Braxton assumed that it was crushed by Adrian as they slept. "I forgot how hard it is to move Adrian without waking him. That's something I do not miss." 

"When had he done that before?" Braxton asked. 

"When we were first rooming together," Shawn answered, "He'd wake up in the middle of the night and lay on me to fall back asleep." 

Zeek rolled his eyes, "That's so fucking cute I might vomit."

"Don't you dare," Lucas said glaring playfully at Zeek. Braxton smiled softly at Shawn, and Shawn rolled his eyes. 

"Those dumbasses will probably sleep all day if we don't wake them," Shawn said, "I'm pretty sure the only reason Gabe and Mike ever wake up is because Jaxson will show up at their house and wake them up for school."

Braxton laughed quietly, "That doesn't surprise me at all." 

"Can I go in there and bang pans to wake them up?" Shawn asked.

"No," Lucas said, "Wake Maddox and Austin up first and then bang pans. I don't think either of them panicking is what we want." 

"Bet," Shawn said. He walked back into the living room and gently shook Austin and Maddox awake and sent them towards the kitchen. Meanwhile Braxton was grabbing two pans to hand to Shawn. Shawn walked back in and grabbed the pans from Braxton with a wicked smirk. 

"If Salem or Jaxson fight you, I'm not helping," Ryan said to Shawn as he walked out. The boys in the kitchen waited quietly in apprehension before they heard a loud bang from the two pans. They all started laughing as they heard shouts from multiple of the others in protest to Shawn's actions. Braxton smiled and grabbed down two coffee mugs. One had the words "You say Witch like it's a bad thing" on it, and one that had the word "Itch" on it with a B for the handle. 

"Who is the other mug for?" Maddox asked Braxton.

Braxton crossed the kitchen to grab vanilla creamer from the fridge, "Micheal's." 

"Aww, so domestic," Maddox teased. 

"Yeah no shit. He has his own mug here," Braxton said, "I got it for him." The others simply smiled. Adrian walked in, using his crutches and quickly sat on the stool next to Lucas. Braxton reached into the fridge again and tossed a water bottle to Adrian. "Pills. Do you want one too Ryan?"

"Want one? No. Need one?  Yeah probably," Ryan responded. Braxton tossed a water bottle to Ryan. Braxton then returned to the two coffee mugs and poured coffee for Salem and Micheal. Shawn walked back in and put the two pans back before wrapping his arms around Adrian's neck as Adrian took his meds. 

"Salem, Micheal, come get your coffee!" Braxton shouted. He laughed when he heard Salem and Micheal both scramble to get up. "Dumbasses," He said to them as he handed them their mugs. 

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