Chapter Six: The Smile Is Fake, The Tears Are Real

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{Rosalina's POV}

"I'm scared to fall in love with you Xavier" I look at his beautiful forest green eyes. What is he doing to me? I can't stop my desires for him. He looks at me and I think I'm going to fall but I know he will be their to catch me. I just... know

"Rosalina wake up.....wake up" I hear Lucy shaking my body.

"I'm up... I'm up" I repeated. I got up a little still a bit light headed.

"Here Rosey" Lucy said while handing me a glass of water. I drank the water. It was so cold and refreshing. I smiled as I put the drink on the table next to my bed.

I opened my eyes a little more I was shocked I saw all the girls around my bed with worried expressions. "Are you okay?" Ariana asked while holding my hand.

It was so typical of her, she hates it when I'm not well. She cares too much for me. A sister I've never had. I smile and nod.

"It happened again didn't it?" Serenity asked as she sat down beside me.

She began to talk again "You had a nightmare again didn't you? about... your past?" She looked down at her lap.

I saw her blurry eyes I know she was trying to be strong in front of me. But I know she could be the most sensitive person on the earth. I let go of Ariana's hand. And cupped Serenity face.

"Serenity I didn't have a nightmare, I promise". I said she looked up.

"Are u sure? you were crying"

I let go of her face and sighed. "Don't worry about me I'm such an ass I woke everyone up" I said while slapping my forehead.

"You're an ass for thinking this is not important, and for telling us not worry about you" Meghan said while trying to stay calm.

"I'm sorry" I said while looking at the clock it's "5am,  Wow" I said.

I got up from bed. "Where do you think your going?" Lucy asked while crossing her arms.

"Taking a shower, hopefully I'll feel better" I said.

"At five o'clock in the morning" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for being an ass and messed your sleep up, after I'm done I'll make my famous chocolate chip pancakes" I said with a big toothy grin on my face.

I saw them all smile "She's back" Ariana said with a smirk.

"She sure is, the chief of the house is back" Meghan said with a smile.

"Okay you guys, you still have a couple hours of sleeping left, go sleep and I will take a shower then I'll make breakfast, then we can go to school okay?" I said.

"Yup There's bossy Rosey for ya" Serenity said with a smile.

"Hey looks like someone is getting egg shells in their pancakes" I said with a smirk.

Serenity giggled, Serenity never giggles. Truly shocked I must say. She always said pussy's giggled. Uh ha!  it came to me, its cause of that Blake guy. I smiled at the thought of her being happy. She deserves it, we all do. We all have our own stories.

I went to my closet and looked for what I should wear.

"So I guess if I ask you about your dream you won't tell us right?" Lucy asked with a worried expression.

"Guys seriously I'm fine, and no even if you ask me I won't tell you"

"You always say that Rosey, you always say your fine but the truth is you never are. You just think you can bottle up all your emotions, you will explode one day and I hope that never happens because I need you in this world with me". Serenity said while catching her breath.

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