Chapter Twenty Two: Gone

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There's always gonna be evil in people.
That just do negative shit.
You just gotta kill 'em with kindness
And they'll die slow. ~Nicki Minaj.

{Meghan's POV}

My heart stopped and tears began to run down my face, when I heard Lucy's scream. Do you know what it feels like when you know someone is in trouble but you have no way of saving them?

You're just there helpless, you don't know who to save first her, or... yourself.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked as I wiped my tears away from my damp cheek. No one spoke a word Rosalina was staring at the phone frozen, Ariana was hitting the walls with anger. Serenity was in a corner crying with her head in her knee's.

I was the only one trying to figure a way of finding Lucy. But no one was cooperating except for me, I was getting angry how could we just stand here?

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA DO?!" I screamed. The girls stared at me with horror in their blurry eyes.

"We have to inform the guys and we have to split up to every place we think she could be" Rosey said in a whisper not making eye contact.

"We have to tell the cops!" Serenity said getting up.

"No, Dumbass we can't. How could we? what the fuck would they do? we have to find her. We have a fucking army of werewolves for god sake!" Ariana shouted.

Serenity shrunk down to her normal position. "okay let's go" Serenity said.

"We will just send a search party for her" I said rubbing my temples. We all ran in different directions. I went to Xavier's hospital room to inform the guys. I explained every thing to the guys. Xavier was glade to help and send his guards to help us.

Jason was freaking out we all knew he had a thing for Lucy. not even a thing, a big thing. I was ready to book it but then a hand grabbed my arm. I turned around to find Josh looking back at me with concerned eyes.

"look I know you're worried and I would be too if this was one of my friends. but I'm not letting you go" Josh said in a stern voice.

My face went red with rage. "What do you mean you're not gonna let me go? It's not your choice it's mine. My friend is god knows where and my boyfriend is telling me I can't go and find he?" I said ripping his hand off my arm.

"I'm not gonna let you go. for god sakes Meghan, your pregnant and I'm the father. and I'm gonna take care of you and the baby" Josh said getting in my face.

"So I have no say in this?" I asked as a tear drop ran down my cheek.

"Meghan" Josh said holding my waist.

"No, don't touch me" I walked away from him and sat on a chair across the room from him. Josh sighed and sat down on the chair that was next to me.

"I love you Meg" he said in a whisper. I looked up at him but his eyes were glued to the wall. I looked back down a little upset with my self for yelling and being stubborn. But I mean who wouldn't be if their friend they knew for years was in danger? obviously I don't know for sure what is happening to Lucy, but I feel it... in my gut.


{Rosalina's POV}

I ran down the big hall of the pack house I don't remember the last time I was this scared. I wish I knew everything was gonna be alright but I don't know that.

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