Chapter Fourteen: Oh Hell No!

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Dedicated to: ★Brianne48


{Inhale the good shit,
Exhale the bullshit} -tumbler


{Lucy's POV}

My dirty blonde hair flew down my face. I sniffle before putting it being my ear with my index finger. I had never felt so alone.

I sat down against a tree I was in Pine Forest. I cry to myself and I made sure no one was here. I have realized no one really enters Pine Forest. They say its filled with wolves that will eat you in second's. If you told me that a couple months ago, I would have laughed in your face then laughed again because it sounds so childish.

Now of course I believe in werewolves. All my four best friends have a mate, except for me. I don't care  right? But I really like this guy at school.

His name is Jason, I find him very attractive. I stood up letting the tree support me. I rummage around in my bag looking for my pack of cigarettes and my lighter. I haven't smoked in months but it calms me down.

I light a cigarette breathing in and out. Closing my eyes from the relief it gave me. I look off into the forest as the cold wind made me shiver.

I really want to search into that forest for some reason this forest makes me so curious. It's just there were so much things I thought were myths,but it turns out a lot of those things fairy tail books were true.

I smudge my cigarette into the earth's floor. I walk into the forest as my brown backpack hung from my shoulder.

"This is ridiculous"I said to myself to keep myself calm.

My footsteps were quiet in case anyone was near. My phone buzzed and it made me jump slightly.

"Oh come on Lucy" I mumbled to myself as I rolled my eyes.

I answered my phone and immediately Rose start freaking out on the other line. "Come over to the apartment now!

Meghan just got over her hangover and we just found out she is pregnant. I realised how big of a deal this is and I'm freaking out". Rose said in a panicked voice.

It sounded like she was crying. "She's what!" I questioned with wide eyes.

"Yes! Come now" She said in a scream and hanged up on me.

I put my phone in my bag turning around instantly to run home.

I made it pretty deep into the forest. The wind picked up making it more scarier than it already was.

I gulped hoping I'll get out the forest as fast as possible. Crow's flew above making there terrifying sounds. I closed my eyes for a moment.

'Lucy stop being so afraid its just a forest' I repeat to myself as I'm walking and clenching my phone in my hand. I carry on walking soon it was more like a run then walk.

Soon I made it to the apartment. I ran up the stairs and opened the apartment door. I instantly put my bag on the wooden floor. I walk to the living room I see the girls all panicked.

"So what's going on?" I ask sitting on the couch. Meghan sat with her knees to her stomach rocking back and forth. Repeating "I am 17 and I'm having a baby"

I felt bad for her like really bad. I can't imagine what her parents will think.

"Meghan" I asked shifting towards her. She looks up at me her pale orangish brown eyes look at me. I hug her and she buried her face in the crook of my neck.

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