Chaper Twelve: Broken... Again

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Dedicated to: ★floaters

Dedicated to my awesome friend, I love her so much and I know she deserves this dedication. Thank you so much for always having my back love. #go check out her books you will fall in love with them.


I hope one day I'll pop up in your head and you'll think.

"I shouldn't have let her go" ~ Google


{Rosalina's POV}

I couldn't stop crying I was in Meghan's arms, crying my heart out. I kept telling my self this was a dream that Xavier cheated on me, but really this was all true. This is the world we're living in a world so hateful that people rather die than be who they are. Meghan kept on whispering soothing words in my ear to calm me down.

I knew I was having a panic attack. I'm use to them I would get anxiety attacks a lot when my father was around. Then when Ross left I was alone and I would get them. I really wish I had my anxiety pills with me.

"Oh I'm gonna beat his ass" Ariana said.

I swear I saw steam coming out of her ears. Then again I am very light headed. 

I can't breath properly cause of my anxiety attack. I looked up and saw Xavier run out the club doors as he zipped up his pants. My mind was filled with disgusting flash backs of the girl and Xavier in bed.

"Rosey"he said his eyes in tears.

He pushed past the girls as they try to keep him away from me. I began to cry even more I just couldn't stop crying.

After all I've told him and he does this to me. The girls tried to push him away but he was too strong.  He laid a hand on my shoulder. I back handed him in the face as I turn around.

I slapped him hard as I could in his face. I left a red hand print on his cheek.

I got up fully. "YOU FUCKER, YOU STILL TOUCH ME AFTER THAT!" I yelled in his face.

I was inches away from his face. My eyes were teary as I stared at him straight in the eyes. I saw a flash of guilt in his eyes.

I ran off to Meghan's car. I got inside, Soon the girls came running in the car. I cried in the back seat as Lucy, Ariana and Serenity tried to confront me.

Meghan was driving the car but she kept looking at the rear view mirror to check up on me.

We pulled up to the apartment. I ran out of the car I didn't wait for the girls. I opened my apartment door and locked it so they couldn't come in.

I ran to my room, I grabbed my stash of blades I hide under my bed. I pulled out one of my sharp blades and held it tight in my hand. I ran to my wash room and locked the door so the girls would have a hard time to come in. At this point nothing could stop me.

I hear the girls banging on the apartment door. I just cried I pulled down my skirt I was in my underwear.

I stuck the blade against my right thigh. I couldn't stop making my self bleed. I pressed it against my thigh more until I felt a little more light headed. I know I lost a lot of blood. I dropped the blade on the floor and put my hands on my cuts. My cuts burned I did about 32 cuts on my right thigh.

Does It Still Hurt? Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz