23. My Trauma

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Only the memory of him makes me anxious. I will never go back. I don't want to see him ever again. It's been almost a year and I'm still haunted by the memories of him.

But I'm happy now. No more toxic people in my life. I even have friends despite the fact that I was in there for over a 100 years... I had no idea... when he let me go... everyone was dead. All my friends, family, EVERYONE! And he never told me how long I really was there.

One more reason to hate him.

But yeah. Now I'm happy again after the huge shock I had. I'm living in an orphanage and I have friends. I'm going to school (which doesn't even make sense to me, it's so different than a 100 years ago...) and I'm living normally.

Right now, I'm walking in a small forest with two of my friends. This is the shortest way to the orphanage. We're just talking normally. (Obviously I never mentioned him, Neverland or anything that happened... I just pretend to be a girl with no memories of the past.)

Suddenly, we hear something weird, like yelling and laughing. And music? All the three of us stop and look at each other.

"What is that sound?" Asks one of my friends. The other one shrugs and I try to listen closely. "It sounds kind of familiar to me..." I mutter while goosebumps run in my back. I can't shake the bad feeling off.

"Let's go find out!" Says my other friend while her impression becomes excited. The other one gets excited too. "Maybe we shouldn't... it's kind of late and we should be back soon..." I mutter.

"Don't be so scared, (Y/n). Let's go!" Says the other friend. I let out a sigh and then all the three of us start to walk towards the source of the music and yells.

Soon enough we see a campfire. There are boys dancing around it. No.

This hits too close. They remind me of the Lost Boys. "Guys! Let's leave... there's nothing important to see..." I whisper to my friends. They look at me in confusion but then they agree with me.

We start to walk back to the trail.

Suddenly something stops me. I feel like something grabs my legs, making me fall on the ground. I'm starting to get dragged towards the dancing boys. What the-? I start to scream, then I look at my legs. There are a few roots around them, dragging me.

My friends are just walking like they don't even notice all this. Why can't they hear me or at least notice I'm not with them anymore? They look like they're... enchanted... or something.

Suddenly the roots stop dragging me. I get up as fast as I can, only to see the boys staring at me in silence.

I'm looking at them closely. Everyone is wearing a hood so I can't see their faces. I swallow as I see one of the boys playing pipes under his hood... he used to play pipes too...

But he couldn't possibly be here, right..?

I start to shake. What even happened? A couple of roots magically dragged me towards these boys?

Oh no. I'm still stuck. The roots are still around my legs.

I start to panic and try to yell help. The boy who's playing pipes stops. Then he takes his hood off. I gasp and drop my books that I'm carrying (I was still holding them in my hands even tho I was dragged). It's him.

"Been a long time, (Y/n)." This demonic boy called Peter Pan says and then smirks. I try to move my legs in every way. This isn't happening.

"Let me go. I have done nothing wrong. I don't want to see you again so please, leave." I spat and look away, avoiding his gaze.

I can see in the corner of my eye how he walks closer. I try to move but for nothing.

"Why so rude, Lost Girl?" Pan asks, whispering in my ear. Then he kisses my neck, causing me to have goosebumps.

How was I able to freaking love him? Why was I so stupid? Now he thinks he owns me even though he let me leave Neverland.

"Back off." I say coldly, still avoiding his gaze. What surprises me is that he actually does what I told him.

"I get why you're mad and everything, (Y/n)." He says, sounding more regretful than evil now. Wow.

"Yeah, no kidding." I spat. He stays quiet, making me look at him. He actually looks sad?

"Look, (Y/n), I know I was a horrible person back then... but I promise, I have changed. Only for you. I still love you." He explains. My jaw drops.

"Are you kidding me? Don't waste my time any longer, please. Let. Me. Go." I say with pure anger in my eyes. All the memories flash back in my head. The times he would pretend to love me, shooting arrows through an apple that was placed in my head, killing innocent people who came to Neverland, all the dangerous games he made up... and I was so freaking blind...

Pan lets out a sigh and moves his hand from left to right, freeing my legs from the roots.

"Where are my friends?" I ask, remembering them too. "They're back at the orphanage you're living in. They're convinced that you just forgot one of your books at your school." Pan explains.

I give him a death glare and start to walk away.

"Please, (Y/n)! I promise I've changed! I can prove it to you!" Pan yells from behind me. I stop walking for a moment. "Do what you do but I won't change my mind. I'll never forgive you." I spat and then continue walking.

Pan and the Lost Boys stay behind me as I walk back to the trail as fast as I can. I'm still shaking. I didn't want to see him. I don't want this right now.

The next day

We're preparing to go to school. I can't just get him out of my mind... could he just please leave me alone?

We walk into a classroom. I'm glad I haven't seen him...

"Okay I'll be the one to tell you this... so there's a new student in this school, taking same courses as many of you. His name is Peter." Says the teacher. My jaw drops when I see Pan walking in, wearing a casual outfit and not the green what he usually wears.

No way.

He sits right next to me. I don't even look at him.

"See, Lost Girl, I have so much time to prove that I've changed... and after you believe in me again... we're going home." He says and smirks.

"You can't be serious." I whisper as my heart beats faster.

"I am. I love you, (Y/n). And by time... I hope you will feel the same way about me again..."

Peter Pan x Reader(fem) Oneshots (ouat)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt