18. Someone New

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I'm sitting on my bed. Crying. Once again my life decided to punch me in the face.

My boyfriend left me. I loved him so much but he found someone new and stopped loving me. So here I am, sitting on my bed, crying and feeling huge pain in my heart. My heart has been shattered into pieces.

I have to stop letting people in my life. It's weird because the more I let people in my life, the more I always get hurt. Like with my bestfriend...

I stand up. There's literally nothing for me. A dad who's drunk again and doesn't love me. My boyfriend was the only one who kept me in hope...

I run out of my house, straight into the woods near by.

"What have I ever done to you!" I shout at the sky. God really must hate me.

Suddenly I see something in the air, moving towards me. It's really hard to see since it's dark here and a lot of trees are covering the sky.

It looks like a shadow..? Or am I just dreaming?

It indeed is a shadow. It's now so close that I can see it properly. Why is it coming towards me?

I start to panic and run, trying to get rid of it. Doesn't seem to help though...

I feel being lifted in the air. How is this even possible?

The shadow starts to drag me further away from the ground.

"Help! What are you doing?" I scream, feeling like an idiot for yelling to a shadow. Nothing makes sense anymore, I must be dreaming.

I feel the cold wind blowing through my hair and see my hometown leaving far behind. I decide not to panic. This shadow hasn't dropped me yet so I guess it's not trying to kill me.

I close my eyes and let it drag me away.

After what feels like forever, I wake up. I'm laying on a bed. I don't open my eyes yet but I realize now that I was only dreaming.

My dreams never make sense.

Then I open my eyes and gasp immediadly. I'm definitely not at home. This isn't my room. This is a tent. With a bed.

I stand up and look around me like crazy. Then I run outside to face a camp full of boys. I'm in a forest but it's definitely not the same forest I was escaping that shadow...

It wasn't a dream. Am I now officially going crazy?

"You're awake." Says someone, making me flinch a little. "Who are you? Where am I? What am I doing here? How-" I start but then a green-eyed boy with a brown hair and dark green clothes steps in front of me and presses his finger against my lips.

"I know you must be confused and have many questions but let me explain everything I know." He says and takes his finger away. I nod at him.

"You see, this is Neverland. I don't know if you've heard stories before or something but here you are. It was my shadow who brought you here." He explains. I look at him in disbelief. "But-" I start but then he presses his finger against my lips again.

"I didn't finnish yet." He says and smirks. I nod at him again and let him speak.

"Weird thing is that you're a girl. Shadow has never brought a girl with it. So tell me, what is it that makes you feel so desperate and lost that the shadow brings you out of all people."

I hesitate to answer. I don't trust these boys enough even though this green-eyed one seems quite charming.

"My... boyf..." I start but can't finnish my sentence. I feel a couple of tears immediadly coming out of my eyes. "My boyfriend... left me. So did my best friend and other friends a few years ago... and my dad is drunk every night, pretending I don't exist." I explain and turn around.

The green-eyed boy walks in front of me. "I understand now. It sucks to have fake people around you." He says compassionately and looks at my wet eyes.

"But hey, you're one of us now. You don't have to be alone ever again." He continues and lifts my chin up with his finger. I look at him, feeling a little butterflies in my stomach.

"Thank you." I mutter and wipe my wet cheeks.

"Do you want to have some rest?" Asks the boy. I nod at him, feeling exhausted with no reason.

He lifts me on his arms in the bridal style. I blush and feel a lot better.

"I'll take you somewhere to rest." He just says and raises in the AIR. Holy shit what is going on? Is he flying? Oh my god!

I grab his clothes and press myself against him.

"You aren't afraid of heights are you?" This boy asks and smirks. "No." I mutter and let his clothes go. I feel embarrassed. Why does nothing make sense?

"But how-" I start but he interrupts me. "In Neverland, many things are possible." He explains like he was reading my mind. I just shrug and look away from him.

The rest of the boys stayed in their places in the camp.

After a few moments, this mysterious boy lands in front of a treehouse. He puts me down and snaps his fingers.

We are now inside the treehouse. What?

"There's magic in Neverland." He says, again like he was reading my mind. I smile at him.

He motions me to lay down on a bed. I do as he says and he pulls a blanket over my body.

What's going on? How can I feel like this? Suddenly, my boyfriend breaking up with me doesn't even bother me anymore. He never kept me on his arms or never even pulled a blanket over me and this boy I just met does both of them immediadly...

He sits on my bed and looks at me in the eyes.

"You didn't tell me your name yet." He says and smirks a little bit. "It's (Y/n)." I say and smile at him. I have never met a boy who acts like this...

"I'm Peter... Peter Pan." He tells me.

Wait a minute... Neverland? Peter Pan? Like in the fairytale? Of course! Why didn't I realize that? But how?

"Wait, like in the fairytale?" I ask him and chuckle a little bit. "Probably like in the fairytale... except nothing like that..." He says and looks down. His expression turned into something negative.

"What do you mean? There was no Wendy and Michael and John? Or Captain Hook?" I ask, still not sure if believing him.

"Well there were all of them. But I wasn't good then... I was evil. Yeah, evil. I kept Wendy on this island for god knows how long... I used her to get what I wanted." He explains and looks completely away.

Wow. Definitely not the Peter Pan I know.

"But you're good now. I mean you were so kind to me just a few moments ago. Our pasts don't define us. What matters is what we do now." I tell him, not caring about the darkness he used to have.

"Really? You're the first person to ever say that." He says and looks back at me. He smiles and stands up.

"Where are you going?" I ask after he starts to walk further away from this bed.

"I thought you wanted to rest." He simply says and smirks at me. Then he turns around and leaves.

I feel more butterflies in my stomach. Wow. He is cute. AND hot. I really can't decide. But there's something in him that makes me extremely interested and... something more..?

I close my eyes and now only see him. After a few moments of thinking, I realize it. My boyfriend was an asshole who never loved me properly. This Peter Pan showed me more positive things that he never did... he really seemed to only use me.

Even though this was our first meeting, I somehow feel like he could be the right one... I never felt anything like this with my ex. I guess I only thought it was love back then...

Peter Pan x Reader(fem) Oneshots (ouat)Where stories live. Discover now