24. Jealous Much?

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"(Y/n)! Come here!" Yells Pan from somewhere. I let out a loud sigh and stand up. I was sitting on the ground with Felix. He's my best friend and we were just spending time together... and this is the third time this week when Pan interrupts our converstations by calling my name.

I walk towards the place I heard the voice come from. Soon I see Pan leaning on a tree with a pensive look on his face.

"What is it, Pan?" I ask a little annoyed. He seems to hesitate for a moment. "You have to stop spending so much time with Felix." He finally says.

My jaw drops. "What? Why?" I ask in confusion. Pan just stays quiet and looks at me. It's hard to read his face but one thing is for sure; he's being serious about this.

Then I realize something. I remember the times Pan has been really weird to me, like he has flirted with me too. And how he always treats me differently. And the way he makes my stomach have butterflies... could he feel the same way about me..? and could he be jealous about me spending time with Felix?

A smirk appears on my face. Me having a similar personality to Pan, I like games as much as he does. And this is a great opportunity to take advantage of the situation — if I'm right about him.

"Are you jealous?" I ask him with a smirk on my face. Pan chuckles nervously, desperately trying to hide it but failing completely. "Of course not. Why would I be?" He asks. It's very noticeable how he became tense. I know I'm right.

"Oh okay." I answer and wipe the smirk off my face. I have a great idea...

"Well then if you really have nothing else to say, I'm going to head back to the camp." I say as indifferently as possible. Pan just nods. He has been avoiding my gaze all this time. I chuckle quietly and leave him.

I'm not listening to him (obviously) so I'm walking towards Felix. He's still sitting where I left him.

"Hey, Felix! I have something to tell you!" I say. He chuckles and stands up.

"So... I'm not entirely sure but I think Pan might have taken interest in me..." I say quietly. Felix looks at me and smirks. He doesn't even look surprised.

"I know. I mean you're literally the only one who hasn't seen it before." He says and looks around us, making sure nobody can hear us.

"Wait what? Okay nevermind... but I have an idea! Could you please help me with this..?" I ask. Felix looks excited. "Tell me more. Help you how?" He asks.

"Pan doesn't know we're like best friends, right? So what if we pretended to be a couple? Just for a while and see how he reacts." I suggest. Felix chuckles again and looks like he's considering this.

"Let's do this then." He just says and we change smirks.

Soon we notice Pan coming back to camp as well. We both know this is an opportunity...

I immediadly hug Felix tight, putting my arms around his neck. Wow this feels so wrong since he's like a brother to me... but I guess it's worth it.

"See you later, (Y/n)." Felix says and smiles at me. "Yes, can't wait!" I say.

I feel a burning gaze in my back. I turn around and see Pan walking towards me. "What was the part you didn't understand in 'don't spend time with Felix so much'?" Asks Pan clearly annoyed.

"Hmm I don't know... I just feel like we're meant to spend time together... somehow." I say. Pan's jealous expression is showing so much. He chuckles nervously. "Don't be ridiculous, (Y/n). You almost sound like those idiots from the Enchanted Forest." He says a little mockingly.

"I just can't help it..." I mutter, trying to hold my laughter. "What? What do you mean?" Asks Pan confused. I chuckle and then walk away from him. I think that was successful enough.

Later that day

The Lost Boys are eating right now, before going hunting. Pan and I are sitting opposite to each other and Felix is sitting next to me. Even that annoys him. This is going to be fun.

I nudge Felix's shoulder lightly and give him a sign to start pretending. He smirks and then pulls me closer to him. Pan looks like he's about to attack us but he can't because of the other Lost Boys around us.

I lean myself towards him like couples would do. This makes Pan stand up and walk out of the tent we're all sitting in. The other Lost Boys are looking at me and Felix.

"Maybe we should stop this... I'm going after Pan." I say quietly. "I agree." Says Felix. I stand up and run outside. I can't see him anywhere. I start to run into the woods.

Soon enough I can see him, leaning on a tree. Almost like he was waiting for me.

"Do you have any idea how mad I am?" He asks me. I swallow and look around us. We are actually pretty far from the camp...

"I know, Pan, I'm sorry... we were just..." I start but he interrupts me. "You were just having a good time. Good for you." He says. He looks away. He isn't even trying to hide his jealousy anymore.

"No, Pan. We were faking it." I say. He looks at me confused. "We were doing it because you always seemed... jealous... seeing us spending time together... and..." I continue shyly.

"So you're saying that you tried to make me jealous..." Pan says. "Why?" He continues. I look at him in the eyes. "Because I wanted to know how you feel... about me..." I mutter and then look away.

Pan suddenly chuckles. "Now you know..." He says quietly. I nod quickly. "And I feel the same way about you." I say. Pan chuckles again.

"You shouldn't have messed with me, (Y/n)." He says while a smirk appears on his face.
Oh no.

"I hope you have fast legs and you're good at hide and seek... I will give you 10 seconds to run..." He says. Another game... what have I done?

"But-" I start but he interrupts me. "Nine... eight..." He counts. I let out a sigh and start to run as fast as I can.

"If I find you before the sun sets, you're mine, (Y/n)!" Pan shouts from behind me. I let out a chuckle. Oh okay then... I'm not complaining though but I love games as much as he does... why not?

I smile at myself and keep running. Now I know I will eventually be his. Plan worked.

Peter Pan x Reader(fem) Oneshots (ouat)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt