19. Meant To Be This Way? (Part 3/4)

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I gave birth three days ago. And my daughter was taken away. Here I am, trying to survive on the streets.

I tried to go home after I could walk again but all my mother did was turn her back on me. She really doesn't believe me.

I'm trying to collect money. By stealing. I'm pretty good at this though...

I've got a few coins already. And I slept in the woods those nights.

I'm not crying anymore. I cried so much in last 48 hours that I'm fighting the urge.

It's already late and I'm heading to the woods again. All I feel is emptyness...

I still don't understand how I got pregnant... I swear I'm not crazy but there was never a guy!

Allthough I saw a weird dream last night in the forest... I was in my room, sitting on my bed. And there was this brown haired boy... it seemed so real. I didn't see his face properly though but somehow I feel like I've met him somewhere...

"There she is!" I hear a yell, interrupting my thoughts. I turn around and see some angry men running towards me.

"She looks just like they described! Filthy little thief!" They shout.

Oh shit.

I start to run as fast as I can deeper into the woods.

"Come here you thief!" Those men yell. My heart is bouncing like crazy as I run faster and faster.

Suddenly I trip on a root.


Those men get to me and lift me up forcefully. "Listen here, you little thief! Do you think you can steal from us?" One of them shouts to my face. Two of them are holding my hands and one of them is digging my pockets.

"No! Please! Don't take that money! I have nowhere to go and I need it!" I almost shout when one of them takes all the coins.

"We don't care about you. All that matters is that you stole from us! You need to be punished!" Yells another one, who's holding my left arm. I try to struggle myself out of their grip but for nothing.

"Don't you even try you brat!" Says the other one in my right arm.

The one who took all of my money just laughs but suddenly he frozes. He looks pale and petrified and then he drops on his knees with a yelp of pain.

Behind him is standing a boy. He's holding that man's heart? What the-

I look at him horrified as he crushes that man's heart into ashes and the man becomes limp.

Suddenly something hits me. It's the boy from my dream!

The two men are looking at the scene as horrified as me. They let me go and start run fast to the other direction while I in the other hand just stay in my place.

"(Y/n)?" This boy says after looking at me for a moments. I nod my head in shock, not understanding what just happened.

"W-who are you?" I ask a little scared as the boy comes closer. I back off a little but my back hits a tree.

He doesn't say anything. He just looks at me in the eyes, looking hurt?

"I- I saw you! In my d-dreams!" I almost shout. He looks surprised and backs off a little. "How is that possible?" He mutters. I keep looking at him confused.

"Why are you here? Why aren't you at your home?" The boy asks after a while. I look down and remember what happened in last three days.

"My mother kicked me out. She doesn't want to see me ever again." I say. I feel my eyes filling with tears but I try to hold them back.

"Why?" The boy asks almost too confused... like he cared about me?

"Because she thinks I'm a liar. I gave birth to a child but I have no idea how it even happened... I swear I'm not crazy but the baby doesn't have a father!" I explain aggressively. I look at him in the eyes and see pure mix of shock, fright and surprise.

"You did what?" He asks and backs off a little more.

"I gave birth to a child. I named her Leah." I repeat, observing his reaction which seems more and more shocked.

He leans on a tree with his hand and looks on the ground.

"Are you okay..?" I ask him, feeling a little afraid.

"No... I'm so sorry (Y/n)!" This boy yells and then rushes towards me. I back off again after leaving the tree, only to hit my back on it again.

The boy comes straight in front of me, crushing his lips into mine without hesitation.

What the-

I try to push him away but then I feel something weird... like a wave of happiness running through my whole body.

A hundreds of flashbacks fly into my head, seeing this boy in my room's window, talking to him... every night. The thing that happened between us over nine months ago... and his name.

"Peter!" I yell and look at him confused and extremely happy. I remember everything!

Peter smiles at me but looks so hurt at the same time.

"I should've never taken your memories away!" He says and kisses me again. I feel tears streaming down my face.

"But... why..?" I ask after we break the kiss. "I didn't want you to get hurt... I told you back then that I can't take you to Neverland because you wouldn't be safe... but then I ruined your life even though I tried so hard not to... I'm so sorry..." He explains to me. I stay quiet.

"Wait... where's Leah... your... our baby?" He asks and looks a little shy while asking.

I look down. "My mother took her away from me..." I mutter and drop on my knees.

"Oh no..." Peter says and kneels down next to me. "I'm so sorry..." He continues. Then he lifts my chin up to look at him.

"I see you have nothing here... despite the fact that I ruined your life... would you come to Neverland with me?" He says and looks down.

"Of course I will!" I almost shout, feeling happy. I still can escape this life... to live with him... I just... would give anything to see Leah for one last time...

Peter stands up and lifts me on his arms. "Let's go, darling. I promise that you'll never be alone again." He says and raises in the air.

I look down to see my hometown leaving far behind. Leah along with it. I hope she will have a good life and a loving family... a family she deserves...

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