15. A Bloody Demon (Part 5/5)

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//Yes! Finally the last part:')//

Killian places his hook against my throat. It's already touching it. "What the heck? What are you doing?" I ask him confused. I feel a little scared. "Nothing personal, (Y/n). I just hate him more than I care about you." He says and presses his hook harder against my throat. "And you think this makes him do anything?" I ask. Killian doesn't say anything and I turn my eyes to look at Pan. He's actually a little pale.

"If you don't want her to die, you should consider to follow my orders." Killian says while Pan just stands in his place. "And if you're about to do any of your magic, I swear, before you even have the chance to save her... her throat has been sliced." Killian continues. I step on his toes, but it doesn't work. "Don't be loath, (Y/n)." Killian says and drags me to the deck of this ship.

Pan actually follows us. Why?

"See, he does care about you more than you believed." Killian says victoriously. I look at Pan in the eyes without saying anything. He just looks at me and looks a little scared?

"Now, hear me out. I want to live on this island. And I want a part of it to me." Hook says and waits for Pan's answer. I can't believe him. He seemed so nice...

Pan chuckles, hiding his visible fright. "You really want that? I don't think so. See, I have many Lost Boys by my side and it wouldn't be the first time when we beat you and your crew." He says and smiles ruthlessly. I smile a little, knowing who's side I'm on now. I wish I had been wiser before...

"See, I've got (Y/n) here. And if she means anything to you at all and you don't want her dead, I'd suggest you to consider my request. And I'll add that after you agree with me and I've freed her, you can't come at me or anyone in my crew." Hook continues.

It's noticeable how Pan's smile turns upside down and his expression becomes angry.

"Fine." He says. My eyes widen. What? He would never..!
Why would he save my life rather than his island? He doesn't care about anyone after all..?

I turn to look at Hook's face. He's smiling victoriously and then takes his hook of off my throat. He pushes me into Pan's arms.

"I knew you were his weakness. Thank you (Y/n) for helping." Hook says. "You're a bloody demon! Even Pan's not that bad..." I spat and glare at him.

Pan turns me around, being angry and takes my wrist. Then he starts to drag me further from the pirates. We're about to leave... I guess...

"Kill him..." I hear a whisper from Hook. What?

I turn around fast to see one of the pirates running towards Pan with his sword. "No way!" I yell and step in front of him without thinking. A horrible pain runs through my stomach. The sword is deep in my stomach and I start to feel dizzy. Blood drops out of me when I collapse.

"You promised not to harm her!" I hear Pan yelling more aggressively that I've ever heard him yell. Then I see how he raises his hand, clearly to do magic.

Then my sight gets blurry and I close my eyes...

After a few moments (or that's how it feels) I start to open my eyes. I still feel pain in my stomach...

Then I see Pan looking at me, touching my wound with his hand. I immediadly try to stand up, but I feel more pain at the moment I try.

Pan notices that I'm awake. "How do you feel?" He asks and looks at me worried?

"I- I guess I'm fine." I mutter and look around me. I'm in a forest, more specifically in a camp. And there are plenty of other boys gathered around us.

"Where am I?" I ask confused but then remember the camp Pan was talking about before... This could be their camp. And those boys are probably the Lost Boys then.

"You're in our camp now." Pan says and smirks a little bit. "Wait what? What about Hook?" I ask, still laying on the ground. "He had to tear down our agreement since he did harm you after all." Pan explains.

I stay quiet for a while and just feel his hands, healing my wound with magic.

After he's done he gets up and helps me up as well."Thank you." I say and blush a little bit. He is not like I thought...

"Looks like we got our Lost Girl after all..." He says and smirks. I open my mouth but then close it. I can't disagree now... he saved my life... twice. And besides I'm not sure if I even want to disagree anymore... I mean he can act nice and makes me feel something towards him... something positive... something new.

"Yeah, looks like it." I just say. Pan raises his eyebrows, looking surprised for a moment. "What? You won the last game after all. You had to save me. And it was twice." I say and shrugg a little bit.

He looks like he agrees. "Come here boys! Meet our newest member, first and only Lost Girl! (Y/n)." He presents and all the Lost Boys cheer at me.

This wasn't so bad. He isn't a bloody demon after all... and I see goodness in him.

I just smile and greet the boys. I feel Pan's eyes in my back so I turn around and see him smirking at me. "You like this way too much." I say and blush again.

He chuckles and shruggs.

So that's what I became. A Lost Girl. That's actually what I've always been...

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