Chapter 14: Forgetful Mornings

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"I'll go get him!" I watched as the old man sped from his seat and out of the room. Joseph came back with Kakyoin a minute later. He was dressed in cuffed jeans, and a tucked in white shirt with a cherry on the front breast pocket.

"Kakyoin you arrived just in time! I just finished making lunch so come sit down so we can all eat!" Holly said flashing Kakyoin a smile.

"Thank you Ms. Holly, you really didn't have to." Kakyoin said bowing his head.

"Oh nonsense! You're practically my own child Kakyoin!" Holly replied. A smile grew on Kakyoin's face. Both him and the old man sat down at the table as Holy set down plates of food for everyone. "So, How has school been for you two boys?" She asked.

"It's been great!" Kakyoin responded enthusiastically. I just grunted. I felt an elbow hit my side and I looked next to me only to be met with Kakyoin giving me a dangerous close eyed smile.

"It's been fine I guess." I answered scared of what Kakyoin might do. My mom just smiled at the both of us.

"How have your lessons with Jotaro been going?" The old man asked shoving a fork full of food into his mouth.

"They've been excellent! Jotaro has his posture down, and he can step forward and back properly without messing up." Kakyoin's eyes seemed to brighten as he talked about it.

"That's wonderful! I'm so proud of you two!" Holly yelled her face practically glowing.

"How long did it take you to do that?" The old man snickered. Kakyoin eyed me before replying.

"Four days." He said hesitantly. The old man broke out into a fit of laughter. My mom and Kakyoin's face seemed to drop at this. After deciding that this pissed me off I harshly kicked the old man's leg under the table. The old man yelled loudly and bent down to grab his leg. I smirked triumphantly and continued to eat.

***Time skip brought to you by Joseph's broken leg***

     We had finished eating without anymore problematic conversations, and Kakyoin and I were now in my room.

"Ms. Holly's cooking is without a doubt the best." Kakyoin sighed while rubbing his stomach. It really is.

"Shut up, let's just start the lesson already." I remarked.

"Since we have so much time today I'm going to teach you something new." Kakyoin started now serious. I nodded my head in response. He walked over to the record that was still in my room and started it.

     He walked to the center of my room as classical music filled it. He summoned Hierophant and they got into position. Their legs were shoulder length apart and they simply moved one of their legs so it was now touching. Kakyoin was playing the woman's part so he moved his right leg so it was now right next to his left leg instead of them being shoulder length apart, and Hierophant vice versa.

     Kakyoin then moved his right leg out so his feet were now shoulder length apart, then moved his left leg in so they were touching, and once again vice versa for Hierophant. They continued side stepping like this a few more times. Once they came to a halt, Kakyoin walked back over to the record and stopped it.

"Now I want you to do that with Star Platinum." He aid putting a hand on his hip. I wordlessly walked to the center of my room and called out a Star Platinum. We got into position, me being the male role, and waited for classical music to fill the room. Once the familiar tune flowed into my ears Star and I began. When I went to step over my foot dragged on the floor causing it to stick on the hardwood floor, which caused my left foot to harshly hit my right leg. Ow, that was a lot more force than I expected. The same thing kept on happening, my feet continued to get caught on the floor, and then I'd kick myself.

     The music abruptly stopped.

"Jotaro! You're doing it all wrong." Kakyoin shook his head and sighed, "I'll demonstrate it again." Kakyoin showed the steps to me again with Hierophant, this time going a little bit slower. I attempted it with Star again but I experience the same thing. "I see what the problem is now, you keep dragging your feet, you're supposed to lift them off the ground so things like what's happening doesn't happen." Kakyoin explained.

     I attempted it again, but I kept on dragging. When I went to take another side step I felt something lift my leg up. I looked down and saw one of Hierophant's tentacles wrapped around my foot. It instantly cause me to lose my balance. Kakyoin didn't seem to care however because he didn't stop. Every step he would lift my leg and cause me to lose my balance almost falling over. This kept going on until I finally made it one step without losing balance while Hierophant was wrapped around me. I did a couple more steps after with Hierophant still there without losing my balance.

"Now that you can do it with Hierophant, I trust you can do it on your own." Kakyoin commented as Hierophant unwrapped itself from me. I went to do the steps, and I successfully raised my foot up without any help, but I put my foot down way to close to my other foot and lost balance. I can recover from this, easy. However, I didn't. I did the same thing when I stepped back the other way. The music stopped abruptly once again.

"I think we should take a break." Kakyoin said a smirk on his face.

"Yes please." I responded quickly. He burst out laughing. My feet need a break more than I do.


1602 words


Hello again! It hasn't been very long has it, anyways we are now back to the main story. I hope you enjoyed the bonus chapters! Writing for Jotakak week was a lot of fun for me since this is the first time I've participated before. Besides that, can we talk about the 20k reads on my book now? LIKE HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS! It feels like yesterday that we hit 10k, I really love all of you guys so fucking much, you mean the world to me! I sincerely wish the best for each and every one of you! I hope you continue to enjoy my book because you're the reasons I write! So, until next chapter!


The Waltz (Jotakak)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя