The Key Master

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Maddie had been blown off once again by Serena and Blair at the Fashion Night Out event.

That, however, didn't stop her from attending the party.

Lily, Rufus, Eric and Maddie were talking to one of the designers when he excused himself.

"I just wanted to thank you two for everything you for me last spring. It truly meant the world" Maddie said to Lily and Rufus. Eric smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Eric asked in a whisper looking out for Maddie.

"I'm fine" Maddie said before turning her attention back to the group.

"If you'll excuse me" Lily said walking away.

"How was Paris?" Rufus asked making small talk. Maddie could sense Rufus was uncomfortable with Maddie. After all she had banished Jenny from Manhattan.

"It was wonderful" Maddie said as she spotted Chuck walking towards them. "Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to apologize once again for my actions" Chuck said standing next to Maddie.

Maddie looked to the side not wanting to get involved.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here" Rufus stated.

"I had spoken to Lily and she said you two had talked-"

"That was before I found out you had tried to rape my 14 year old daughter" Rufus spoke out.

"I know I can do nothing to make up for that night" Chuck said quickly looking at Maddie who was still looking to the side. "But it was years ago and I apologized to Jenny. She forgave me. Did something happen to change your mind?" Chuck asked.

"No I just thought it was time Rufus knew the truth about you and Jenny" Eric commented.

"Look I'm glad I know now because I want you to stay the hell away from my family. Maddie included, this poor girl was raised under my roof for months because of your insensitivity. I don't know how her father feels about you but I know that she along with Jenny has been your victim" Rufus said grabbing Maddie gently and pulling her away from Chuck.

"As a father it's my responsibility that I make sure no one else's daughter gets hurt the way my daughter and Maddie did. Where's this new girlfriend of yours?" Rufus asked.

Chuck looked at Maddie who had soft eyes. She wasn't really sure she wanted to get involved in this but hated staying silent.

"Rufus I appreciate that you have my back but I can fight my own battles" Maddie whispered as she turned around unaware that someone was behind her.

She collided with the girl only to apologize quickly and head inside.

As she looked around for Blair and Serena, Maddie ran into Juliet.

"Mandy was it? What are you doing here?" Juliet asked. Maddie internally rolled her eyes.

"Maddie and have you seen Serena and Blair. I was meeting them here?"

"Oh they told me you weren't coming. Something about avoiding your ex" Juliet said before walking away.

Maddie texted Serena and Blair to meet her in the private lounge upstairs. The three discussed a plan to take down Juliet who was obviously looking to ruin Maddie's life.

The three filmed a fake fight and had it broadcasted on gossip girl. Once Juliet saw it the three waited for her to come looking for them.

Juliet pulled the curtain back to find that three weren't actually fighting at all.

"Now tell us why Maddie didn't get into the Hamilton House?" Blair asked with her hands on her waist.

"Hey Juliet what's going on?" Nate asked.

"Maddie is upset she didn't get into the Hamilton House"

"No she purposely kept me out" Maddie commented.

"Why would I do that?" Juliet asked.

"Oh I don't know maybe because she going to be a princess. People get jealous of others who live out their fantasies" Blair said. Maddie looked at Blair to calm down.

"Or that she's friends with us" Serena added.

"I don't care who's friends with who. I told you the alumni committee makes the decision"

"You seriously thought we wouldn't know anyone on the committee?" Serena asked.

Juliet scoffed. "You can't. That's the "secret" part of a secret committee"

"Unless the key master behaves" Lily said as she stepped into the conversation. "Half of the board members of Bass Industries are Alumni. I made one phone call and it confirmed that Maddie had always been on the top of the list. Congratulations, Maddie" Lily said.

Maddie smiled at Lily, Serena and Blair for helping her fight Juliet and her evil vendetta against her.

"Key please" Lily said. Juliet looked shocked and embarrassed. Juliet took the key off of her neck and handed it to Maddie. She took of away from what just happened.

"Juliet" Nate called after her.

"Nate" Maddie called out. "You're really going after her?" Maddie asked.

"Your little show. I didn't think it was funny" Nate said meanly.

"Are you mad at me? Last I left I thought we were friends"

"Chuck came back happy. Suddenly you come back to New York too when you were suppose to stay in France. If you came back to try and win him over don't. He's a happier person now" Nate said.

"Nate. I didn't come back for him and are you saying I bring out the worst in Chuck?"

"Stay away" Nate said before chasing after Juliet. Maddie stood their bewildered at Nate's speech.

"C'mon M let's celebrate" Serena said taking Maddie over to the champagne they had just popped.

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